Headlines, The Catching Up Edition

Feb 11, 2007 14:26

Gah, sorry I've been so sporadic with the postage this week. It's been a crazy past couple of days. I've been so scattered I haven't even gotten around to watching one of my favorite downloaded tv shows, if that makes you feel any better.

Sidenote: What's going on with the psycho snow storms? First Colorado got slammed all December and January, now Upstate New York got 110 inches in a week. Now, I used to live in Upstate New York, so this isn't really all that unusual, but... still.

Anyways, have some linkspam.

++ Earlier this week disgraced former minister Ted Haggard claimed he is cured of his evil gayness and is now "completely heterosexual". Uh huh. Mike Jones, his former prostitute, responds.

++ Wikipedia could shut down withing 4 months unless you DONATE NOW OMG. Sounds like a fundraising scheme to me, but if there's truth to it, how on earth would I survive without Wikipedia?

++ Congress finds ways to avoid lobbyist limits.

++ In New Hampshire, Clinton owns up to her vote on Iraq War. Kinda sorta.

++ How green was my wedding.

++ Soft landings for departing CEO's.

++ States fund anti-abortion efforts. That's not disturbing or anything...

++ Obama forged political mettle in Illinois capitol.

++ In case you missed it, Obama "officially" declared his candidacy yesterday. I like his redesigned site with the "Dashboard" feature. I signed up, as "Luna" of course. You can add me, just like on MySpace! Nifty.

++ For the record, I'm still a Hillary girl. But I'm realistic, and I really like Obama, so I'm keeping my options open at this point. I also like John Edwards, for what it's worth.

++ Rolling Stone has a great, long feature on Obama in their current issue.

++ WaPo says Obama sets lofty agenda.

++ I really don't like the Australian PM. But I do like the Obama camp reaction, which is basically if this dude likes the war so much why doesn't he send more Australian troops? Heh.

++ Dixie Chicks could bring political edge to the Grammys.

++ Blogs you should be reading (even if Markos isn't).

++ How they do universal health care in other countries.

++ Making it easier to form unions.

++ Wal-Mart, SEIU collaborate on health care. There's a sentence I never thought I'd see.

++ Youth suicide up after decades of decline.

++ Fruitcake polling higher than Bush. HA!

++ Somebody buy me this t-shirt please?.


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