... instead, I'll tell you about how I'm having a mini-marathon of political movies tonight. Yes, I'm spending my Saturday night watching political movies - I'm just THAT BIG OF A DORK.
First I watched
Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers, which pissed me off beyond words - I knew about
Halliburton, but have you heard of
KBR? Why haven't we? Next I watched Lewis Black's
Red, White & Screwed comedy special, which calmed me down a bit. Lewis Black is my hero, for serious. I really need a Lewis icon.
Next up I'm (re)watching
Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (because I really really like
Robert Greenwald) and then
An Inconvenient Truth, which I just got on DVD. Maybe if I have time I'll also watch
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room or
Sidenote: while I was looking up Halliburton & KBR on Wikipedia, I found
this page of Bush admin controversies. It's pretty big fucking page, as you can imagine. Heh.
So, yeah, I'm having a poli-movie marathon. Any suggestions for what else I should be watching? What are your favorite political movies of the past couple years?