Linkspam Roundup

Sep 29, 2006 11:03

++ Via ThinkProgress: Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS) asks, ‘Why Do Sunnis Kill Shiites? … They All Look The Same To Me’. *head-fucking-desk*

++ George Allen repeatedly used the "n word" in college. More from NYT.

++ Now even Allen's apologies are getting him in trouble. Ahahahahahaha!

++ Speaking of George Allen, I heart yesterdays' Mike Luckovich cartoon:


++ All Politics is local.

++ Did the Abu Ghraib photos get Americans accostomed to torture?.

++ Abramoff had more White House ties than we thought. More from TPMuckraker

++ Democrats see strength in bucking Bush. I wish more of them would do it though.

++ Feministing on a show about dieting to Size 0. Ew.

++ Spelling out the obvious: Republicans use negative campaign ads because they work.

++ Almost half of all Americans believe the recent plunge in gas prices is politically manipulated. I agree. More from The Fix.

++ Why the media is fucked up. Seriously, I love Annie Leibovitz and all, but gah!


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