John Gibson is a Xenophobic, Racist Fuckhead

May 13, 2006 05:35

Hey Anglos! Make more babies before the brown people take over!
GIBSON: Now, it's time for "My Word." Do your duty. Make more babies. That's a lesson drawn out of two interesting stories over the last couple of days.

First, a story yesterday that half of the kids in this country under five years old are minorities. By far, the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that? Well, Hispanics are having more kids than others. Notably, the ones Hispanics call "gabachos" -- white people -- are having fewer.

Now, in this country, European ancestry people, white people, are having kids at the rate that does sustain the population. It grows a bit. That compares to Europe where the birth rate is in the negative zone. They are not having enough babies to sustain their population. Consequently, they are inviting in more and more immigrants every year to take care of things and those immigrants are having way more babies than the native population, hence Eurabia.

[...]To put it bluntly, we need more babies. Forget about that zero population growth stuff that my poor generation was misled on. Why is this important? Because civilizations need population to survive. So far, we are doing our part here in America but Hispanics can't carry the whole load. The rest of you, get busy. Make babies, or put another way -- a slogan for our times: "procreation not recreation." That's "My Word."


Why doesn't he just come right out and say it - if white women don't gets ta steppin' and make more white babies, the brown people are going to TAKE OVER OMG and leave us open to a Russian attack?

Let's set aside the open racism of this bullshit for a moment - as a woman, I resent the idea that if I'm not churning out at least 1 baby a year, than I'm not doing my patriotic duty. That's so incredibly disturbing on so many levels. It reeks of nationalistic fervor and creepy fundamentalist Mormon compounds. ::shudders::

In conclusion, John Gibson needs to STFU and stay away from my uterus. That's MY WORD.

immigration, reproductive freedom, media:fnc

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