So Get Off Your Heathen Liberal Ass & Fucking Celebrate

Nov 11, 2005 17:18

Good God, they're bringing back the "liberals want to DESTROY CHRISTMAS ZOMG!!!" meme. When is this going to die?!?

From Kos via Media Matters:
Dear sweet merciful crap. Are we really going to go through this again?

So Bill O'Reilly, he of the infinite falafeled wisdom, is again beating the drum that Christmas is under attack. From who? Well, department stores. Yes, if there's one damn group in America that really, really hates Christmas, it's department stores, which make or break their yearly profits based on how profusely they can shovel cheap China-produced crap into America's Christmasy maw.

The starting gun for this year's valiant struggle, which will be conducted primarily within the confines of Bill O'Reilly's butt imprint on his Fox studios chair, was the release of John Gibson's new tubthumping screed The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought, which will no doubt join other conservative tomes such as "Liberals Hate Toast", "The Liberal Plot to Have Sex With Your Wife", and Ann Coulter's classic "I Hate Those G-ddamn Liberals So F--king Much That Blood Is Squirting From My Tear Ducts".

Fundamentalists have been screaming about how the evil Jew cabal liberals are going to kill Christamas for generations. One particularly annoying - and impossible to kill - fear is that liberals and atheists are trying to ban Christmas specials. It's all total bullshit.

For one thing, fundamentalists can't get it through their paranoid skulls that many LIBERALS ARE CHRISTIANS TOO, and we celebrate the holiday just like they do. Then there's the fact that plenty of non-Christians in this country celebrate Christmas as a time of family togetherness, just like Thanksgiving. I have many Jewish, Hindu, Muslim and non-religious friends who don't care about Baby Jesus, but love spending the holiday exchanging presents and watching cheesy holiday specials. Then there's the real meaning of Christmas - rabid consumerism! The retail business is OWNED by the holidays. Most stores make their entire years' profit in this season. Why the fuck would they want to kill the holiday? Give me a fucking break.

Honestly, I wish we *could* kill Christmas a little bit in this country. Not get rid of it, but trim it down from a 3 month sprawl into maybe 3 weeks of fun. It seems like stores haul Christmas displays in August and keep them up until mid-January. By that point, I'm ready to curse out the Baby Jesus.

bill o'reilly, culture warriors, holidays

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