Evolution Schmevolution

Sep 12, 2005 19:00

This week The Daily Show will be doing a week-long special on the current issue of evolution. The Daily Show airs Monday through Thursday at 11pm on Comedy Central. Since my schedule at school is pretty hectic, I doubt I'll be able to stay up that long. Instead of doing a play-by-play and analysis during the show, I'm going to be doing it the day after when it airs at 8pm (unless something comes up).

I am currently taking an upper-level college course on Evolution, so I won't be some mindless pundit giving my opinion. This will be my scientific opinion, as I am a scientist. And I'm open to debate as long as it remains civil and respectful.

Embryo development across several species demonstrates that the conservation of development processes provides evidence for a common ancestor.

All of that being said, tune in tomorrow at 8pm EDT to begin the liberalrage series, in conjunction with The Daily Show's week-long special, on evolution.

science, media:tds

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