The Internet is For Porn (And News!)

Jan 28, 2005 02:05

I'm trying to organize all my bookmarked blogs/news/media sites, along with their corresponding LJ feeds. This is just the stuff I'm currently reading, not neccesarily the most Important or Relevant sites out there. Most of the blogs (besides DailyKos & Atrios) I've only been following a couple months, and I'm still rather clueless. Please, feel free to pimp other stuff out to me that you think I should be checking out! Btw, I got all the RSS feed links from LJ Syndicated Feeds List and the new_rss_feed updater. I'm sure there's more, or ways to make your own RSS feeds using technology I'm too clueless to understand. It can't be that hard, since every blog everywhere has a little "add this RSS feed!" button.

At any rate....

:: Quick Links & Headlines From the Left ::
  • Buzzflash - Like Matt Drudge, only not psycho and annoying.
  • Truthout - an essential site which reprints liberal-leaning articles & editorials, sparing people like thisficklemob from having to register for content.

:: Activisty Sites (Which Should Need No Introduction) ::

:: "BNBs" aka Big Name Blogs aka Where I Get Most of My News These Days (Which Should Also Need No Introduction) ::

:: Other Blogs on My Immediate Radar (Of Which There Are Just Too Many to Summarize Off The Top of My Head) ::

:: Not-Quite-Blogs (Magazines? E-zines? Just Regular Sites?) On My Immediate Radar ::
  • Cursor
  • Daily Howler
  • In These Times
  • Love him or hate him, he's a force to be reckoned with and he's got a great links section. Also, he shouted out anniesj! So there.
  • The Nation [thenation]
  • The Progressive
  • Salon [saloncom] - This site has some of the best and most relevant stuff online, but.. yup... You have to register & PAY for content. They have a "day pass" deal where you watch a short ad and gain limited access to the site, but it's a pain. Alas!

  • Slate [slate_feed] - a Seattle based magazine with great content from many viewpoints (but mostly liberal... since it's Seattle & all). Recently aquired by Washington Post, which made me totally psyched.

:: Traditional Media: Wire Feeds aka Where Most News Outlets Get Their Stuff From ::

:: Traditional Media: Newspapers That I Follow ::
  • Boston Globe [globe_pageone] - I'm not from Boston but I'm to understand lots of Democrats live there? Which, yay! What I like about this site is the tons of streaming video, and the not having to register for content. Yay again!
  • New York Times [nytimes, nytimesfrontpg] - The most famous newspaper in the world, etc etc importantprestige cake. I totally dig their stature and relevance but I've hated them for years, because they were the first to force me to register for content. Also, $1.50 a day? Bah.
  • LA Times - for the latest headlines from the state with the worlds' 6th largest economy. Registration Required.
  • Roll Call Newspaper Online - Basically a refined Capitol Hill gossip column, showcasing what's going on with the power players in DC.
  • USA Today - Can you believe they have the world's highest circulation rate? That's probably due to their top rate entertainment coverage, because their actual news is rather puffball and sensationalistic.
  • Washington Post, aka Where Luna Gets 99% of Her News. Registration Required for virtually everything, but you might as well suck it up and join because I reference them in every post. Top rate political, national, and world news reporting. Also? 3 pages of comics! ::puffs up proudly::

:: Traditional Media: The British Press ::

:: Traditional Media: Misc ::

:: Left Leaning Comics (Which Should Also Need No Intro ::

:: More Parody Stuffs ::

:: Annoying NeoCon Wingers Who I Occasionally Check Out ::
  • Andrew Sullivan - SIGH. Okay, seriously? I don't fucking get this guy. He's gay, and he supported Kerry because of the Marriage Amendment thing, which I thought was commendable. But other than that, he's a total smarmy pseudo-intellectual brat that drives me crazy. He reminds me of a gay male Ann Coulter, really. (Maybe it's just that I don't trust gay Republicans & I have issues.) Still, so many bloggers link to him, that I'm almost forced to check him out every couple weeks. ::sigh::
  • The Drudge Report - Hi, I'm Matt Drudge and OMG PAY ATTENTION TO MY BOLDED 500 PT FONT SCREAMING HEADLINES THAT I PROBABLY PULLED OUT OF MY ASS BUT WHICH NO ONE WILL BOTHER FACT CHECKING AND MILLIONS OF BLOGGERS WILL LINK TO!!! ::is temporarily blinded:: Sorry about that. But you see what I mean? This is the original blogger, the dude who helped leak the Monicagate stuff way back in yonder 1998 when most of us still rocked the dial up. He's got a great section of links, and he's a force to be reckoned with, but I trust him about as much as I trust Sean Hannity. Which is to say, not at all.
  • The Smoking Gun [smokinggunrss_] - I'm not sure if they're right wingers, just really sensationalistic and skeevy. Kinda like Inside Edition, or most FoxNews programming. However, they did break the Bill O'Reilly sexual harrasment papers first, so I keep them bookmarked.

links, blogosphere

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