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So, who is supporting the troops?
Apr 25, 2007 23:00
Just a few hours ago the
Iraq and Afghanistan funding bill has passed in the US House of Representatives by a 218-208 vote
The bill is scheduled for US Senate vote tomorrow. It appears that it should pass there too, barring an unforeseen defection by a senator or two.
And then, it would be back on Bush's desk. He will either have to use the veto pen or swallow it. This is a true staredown time now. Bush may scream all he wants about Democrats not supporting the troops but facts are obvious - Bush will get a bill with $124.2B funding for troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. If he vetoes it, he will be the one not supporting the troops.
People have spoken in November of 2006 - they want out of Iraq.
The Baker - Hamilton commission has spoken in December of 2006 stating that policy needs to drastically changed, a diplomatic solution found and all Iraqi neighbors (yes, even Syria and Iran) need to be invited into this process.
Bush has not listened to any of that. Let's hope he listens to the US Congress. Not the one he may want, not the one he might wish for but the one he has right
us house of representatives
war funding
us senate
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