But instead of applause, celebration, or excitement, there is just a sinking feeling of despair about what has been done to this country in it's wake, and a small sigh of relief that the threat is not real.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story/0,12780,1327904,00.html CS monitor, of all things -
http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0523/p11s02-coop.html Transcript of the documentary which has been aired on BBC -
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/video1037.htm The whole thing has left me really shaken up. When I read through the documentary and look at the continual re-affirmation of what it claims, such as this story on Guantanimo Bay:
http://www.yahoo.com/_ylh=X3oDMTB2MXQ5MTU3BF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEdGVzdAMwBHRtcGwDaW5kZXgtaWU-/s/240965 It makes me both relieved that it's not real and angry because of the manipulation. The few involved were able to do something very horrible, but it's doubtful that they can do anything on that scale ever again. Fear is a tool of the conservative party. To make us fear communism and justify the vietnam war, to justify a new kind of racial profiling, to justify getting rid of rights.
The question is, is anyone else ready to let go of their fear? To some, their brains are probably now perma-wired to believe in the looming dark cloud of the world wide terrorist network that has been debunked. Just like some old people still believe that the communists are coming to get them.