I mean the state intervention in cultural sphere. Of course, when you can do something without the state you must do without it. But what to do if the greedy rich to push low-quality mass culture everywhere? For example in France the state restricts the display of foreign (Hollywood) movies
to prevent destruction their original cultural space. This would not be a question if any independent powerful movements could be able to organize protest activity against it. We in ART-REVOLUTION are fighting against mass culture (popsa and glamour) at every day and night (see the video).
It would be interesting to know the views of community members on the subject. Besides, we think the document below also could help to solve this problem.
Click to view
The Futuristic Pluralism Manifesto.
When we anatomize the contemporary art, we find that is an art which is statement of fact. We have in mind, that Contemporary Art recording the fact of depreciation of all values in the postmodern society. That makes certain effects like misunderstanding of many art lovers and critics. They don't understand something that we can figuratively described
as "working with faeces" (we mean such forms as trash and epatage for eg.). We don't scold contemporary art. Conversely, we argue, contemporary art gives one of the normal effects of artistic creativity - it adequately reflected the flow of formation and actual existence.
In fact art has no any goals and objectives a priori. The only "goal" of art derives from its essence. This "goal" is to capture and bind elusive moment of formation with the eternity through the artistic image and open the world for the consciousness as a meaningful whole.
This "goal" is immanent for art because it is at the heart of any artistic method. In this sense, the essence of art is unchangeable.
However, different epochs give various intellectual form-factors of the matrix of art. The antique art based on Cosmo-centric worldview, the drama of gods and humans is here the demonstration of a huge Cosmic drama. The Art of the Middle Ages based on Theo-centric worldview.
Renaissance placed the human at the center but separated him from Nature and any meta-human prospects. The narrow and poor humanism of Renaissance has stalled. Already in the XIX and especially in the XX century, art is drawn towards the rational infinity of technology world (futurism, constructivism) or to the irrational infinity of subconscious world
(surrealism, symbolism). Since the end of a modern era and advent of a postmodern were lost even these direction and meaning. The kingdom of emptiness was formed... In this kingdom some artists turn to the former artistic styles, while others boil an eclectic pottage, and the third simply reflect of totality of absurd and nothingness.
We believe that this situation is unsatisfactory and proclaim a new artistic style and a new direction in the art - the futuristic pluralism (futuropluralism).
The definition of "futuristic" refers to the fact that the new art is not limited to observing, but there's an art of perspective. But our futurism is not based on interest in technology as technology without a human is a pile of iron. Besides, technology could be suppress humanity under certain circumstances. Our futurism is based on a new sense of humanism, it's based on the negation of negation of humanism. The former humanism did not give due importance to the main characteristic of human nature.
The man has not self-sufficiency being. The human existence is a permanent overcome "a given" and constant movement to the historically defined ideal Gestalt. The Mystery of the human being is in the vexation of his own incomplete. And this center of existence coordinated with the force of art, which rethinking the flow of formation through creative imagination. At the same time, claiming Creativeman, we thus to overcome an anthropology of postmodernism. Existential sphere is not appears as a series of equal narratives in optics of futuropluralism. Just as the Cartesian trustworthiness "cogito ergo sum" was the foundation of the Philosophy of a New Time, the trustworthiness of the Creativeman is the foundation of a new art. Speaking about the content, we can say that futuropluralism is looking for and deployment in artistic images the ontological foundations of this trustworthiness.
Pluralism in the new art does not mean that we are motivated by postmodern absolute relativism. The endlessness interpretations does not imply abandonment of objective criticism. Our pluralism refuses from opposition - realistic vs. formalistic metod. In the bosom of futuristic vision of the world should "bloom hundred flowers and hundred schools to compete". The problem of the art is not in the method, but in the
sense-generating constant. Noone can say that with the only realistic method, or vice versa, with the only formalistic method could be carry out the aesthetic category in the artwork at the highest level. The most important characteristic of futuropluralism is the openness for search in any direction the new artistic methods and practices.
The ART-REVOLUTION movement.