I can't say that here? What?

Apr 13, 2008 14:10

I tend to make a lot of posts complaining about things and then be shocked when people find them and rant at me about my opinions. And yeah, recently I've noticed I'm not the only one.

So I'll start this one just by saying: I don't know how you guys find me. I also don't especially care! But if you're reading this now, you'd do everyone on LJ a huge favor by trying to remember one simple thing.

This is a personal LJ. A personal LJ is the owner's soap box.

I am totally entitled to rant about things I don't like, even if my complaints are TOTALLY SPECIOUS. In fact, I'd be entitled to rant about entirely invented statistics.

I'm not posting these rants to communities -- I'm not in any way shoving them in your face. They are public entries because I'm not trying to hide my opinions, but you're not forced to read them.

Also, just because I do sometimes make really angry rants doesn't mean I'm a mean person, or that my opinions on things are totally black-and-white; also, you are welcome to come and debate them with me.

But I'm really tired of being told I should CRY MOAR or GTFO, like there's anywhere for me to go that is more GTFO'd than my personal journal, or any place more appropriate for CRYING MOAR than said journal.

You guys are on LiveJournal. One of the original slogans of this place was "Because you'd like to believe people care." Many of the journals are still emo teenage diaries about the world being mean to them. It's totally ridiculous to act like anyone doesn't have a perfect right to whine about anything they like.

In fact, I even have the power to turn off comments, so that you can't reply to this entry, no matter how angry its content makes you! What do you think that indicates about the intention and ownership of this journal?

I'm not going to flock everything that might conceivably be offensive to anyone. :\ It'd probably make my posts a little easier, but meh. XD When it comes to fandom rants, even angry feedback is feedback -- I'm not shoving this in anyone's face, but if the original person or community owner or whatever sees the rant... heck, it's got to be better for them to be aware something they're doing is making someone angry than to continue total blissful ignorance, right?

Yeah, this is the part where someone will tell me that I should say it to their face, but one of the problems with the internet is that STRANGERS ARE SCARY, and I don't feel like signing myself up for hours and hours of arguing about something just because I felt angry for a minute or an hour.

TL;DR: Don't come and attack someone on their personal journal for something they said there and expect them to take it down!!!111. This is LJ, they have a right to rant, and it's not a personal attack on you unless they're giving out your LJ name and telling all their friends to go bitch you out.

It might not be fun, but it doesn't actually hurt anyone to have a post somewhere on LJ bitching them out among friends. Heck, if I were more important in fandom, I'm sure I'd have one right now.

blah blah blah, bitter libek is bitter

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