May Day

May 01, 2007 23:29

10 reasons this has been a good day:

1. I had an idea for a short story in the shower this morning, and actually remembered to write it down and do something with it. It's a bit of a grim tale, but I like what I've got so far. *grin* I'm going to submit it in my creative writing portfolio and try and enter the SFX magazine short story competition with it, if it turns out okay when it's finished.

2. I missed a Shakespeare revision seminar but attended the Decadence to Modernism one. This turned out to be a good combination - the Shakespeare one was apparently awful and totally unhelpful, while the Modernism one was useful and encouraging and actually made me feel way more confident about that particular exam than I've been feeling thus far. I might actually be able to formulate an argument in the exam now, rather than just reeling off summaries of the key texts!

3. Randomly bumped into fellow English and Creative Writing students clo, Jess and Laura in Alex Square after the seminar and chatted about Shakespeare, exam/coursework stress and Certain People from Creative Writing who we find intensely irritating. It was good catching up and devising useful entertaining exam/revision strategies. ^_^

4. Coca Cola Zero! It has NO sugar but tastes JUST like normal Coke. I had a sudden craving for Coke on the way home and picked the sugar-free option - which left the door wide open for indiscriminate chocolate consumption this evening. *guilty grin*

5. New sunglasses in town, since I lost my last pair. I was sad about the lost pair as I really liked them, but my new pair are of the big, square variety and they still suit me and I love them, so there. :P Got them from Accessorize after turning my nose up at TopShop - didn't see any that I liked in there, plus you had to pay £3 extra for a glasses case. I don't use glasses cases for shades most of the time, but that's *not* the point.

6. Magnum ice cream!! Sat in the town square with the sun on my face eating it, and wrote notes about my short story. Soooooo good.

7. Got home to find that Katy and Marianna had washed all the dishes and left the kitchen extremely tidy. Felt slightly guilty for letting the dishes get several feet high in the first place (although myself and ALL of my housemates were guilty of this), but it was nice to be able to cook dinner in a clean kitchen. And I *did* wash my dishes after cooking. :D (Felt extremely full after supper - sausages and mash do not go down well on a hot day.)

8. Wrote first 500 words of new short story before and after supper. It's entitled '14 Murders'. I've dabbled in horror tinted fantasy (or should it be fantasy tinted horror in this case?) before, but not quite in the same way. It'll be up on larnacor when I've finished it, along with the rest of my portfolio. Also - this means that I've written at least 500 words every single day since sometime last week. This makes me happy. I hope I keep it up after finishing my portfolios. It's good to get into good habits with writing, and I've kept bad ones for far too long now.

9. Watched two episodes of Battlestar Galactica series 3 this evening, and they were damn good episodes as well - oh, I do love this show. The second one I watched was the boxing match one, which was just made of Awesome. I now can't decide which couple I prefer - Adama and Roslin (they are so adorable and they got stoned together, and she looked so pretty in her red dress!! <3333) or Starbuck and Apollo for the sheer messed-upness of it all and the total inevitability of it since, like, the show began. But that's enough speculation for this post. ;) Hey, rossmills and margaretdumont, are you listening? LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME!!

10. Um, reason 10 - well, I guess all I can say for this is that it's May 1st, and all my university work will be over with and done in just over two weeks. This is both satisfying and deeply scary - not only because I have still got a lot of work to do, but also because this puts the cap on three years of my life that have been amazing and tough and intense and euphoric in so many different ways. I don't know for how much longer I will be in Lancaster - there's a chance I could come home by the end of May - but I'm going to make the most of every minute. But more on that once I'm done. ^_^

And that was my day. There was nothing bad about it. :)

shopping, housemates, work, uni, life, inspiration, creative writing, writing battlestar galactica, too many tags, shakespeare, friends

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