Feb 26, 2007 18:23
I had an great time at Midlands Expo at the weekend, it was great to see people and be there even if I wasn't cosplaying. By the time I was there I wanted to be, but Minamicon's just around the corner so I'm not too sad about it. Also, GO OZ for being interviewed and appearing on the news!! Yay for helmet hair!! XD
I'm all signed up for Amecon, I just need to dig out my cheque book from wherever the hell it's got to and pay. And also decide on cosplay for Amecon. A lot of people I know off a specific forum are plumping for Final Fantasy characters all the way, specifically from X, but the prospect of cosplaying Yuna is looking less attractive at the moment. I haven't played X for a while, she wasn't my favourite character in it anyway, and she's one of the most cosplayed characters out there at the moment. I think I'd rather put lots of effort into a less-done costume that I actually want to make, or at least stave her off until October Expo, which is when the FFX group was originally going to happen. I would rather cosplay Ixion from X and X-2 at Amecon, but now I'm not so sure about going for it as I had originally planned to - I looked on the Amecon forums today and somebody else has had the same idea as me, basically to do a bipedal version, which they're entering in the Masquerade.
So, I don't know whether I should still go for it or not. I have plenty of time to think of other ideas, but I was really getting psyched about attempting a more unusual and weird costume. Although it seems like it's not that unusual anymore. I guess I could go all out and do it anyway, but if I start posting on the Amecon forums I don't want to be accused of stealing someone else's idea - especially as the idea first came to me completely independently back in the Christmas holidays when I was playing X for the first time. Grrrrrrr!! ¬_¬
And then there's the cosplay ball. I'm thinking 'OMG what??!!' to myself, and also thinking 'I don't know how to waltz!'
Anyway, I should stop worrying over this for the moment and get on with the huge pile of reading I have to do tonight. Shakespeare, Virginia Woolf and Ian McEwan all in one night ... oh, yay!! *dies*
final fantasy