Little minor things

Oct 16, 2006 22:14

I am so ready for sleep right now. I drank a glass of red wine tonight and I've been listening to chill out music all evening which probably doesn't help. But I feel like I could curl up and sleep for DAAAAAYS. Coming just after the weekend, it doesn't bode very well for the week ahead and my energy levels. But at least I should be able to sleep in on Wednesday (I hope). Tomorrow I have the 9.30am seminar of DHOOM. But I'll get through it. My energy levels always wane in the afternoon ... so I can just go home after my lectures finish at 4 and sleep then.

I was amazed to find out that I got into the Expo Masquerade Anime, Manga and Video Games category on Saturday, as it was filling up pretty fast by the time I e-mailed my form in. Honestly, I really didn't think I'd get in on advance registration so I was preparing myself for the possibility of having to queue at stupid-o'clock on Saturday morning for hours for the mere chance of getting to enter by filling out an on-the-day registration form. I now feel motivated to seriously sort out the remaining things to fix on my San costume. Thankfully there aren't many of those! I'm glad I worked so hard on it before getting back to Lancaster - the only things left are easy, minor things which won't take long to do.

I'm getting quite excited about cosplaying for the first time! ^_^ And about Hi Sushi again on Friday night with rossmills and possibly laheie and others. SUSHI NOMS!!

I had my hair cut at the weekend, so now it's more San in length. And very stylish as well, I might add. It's pretty much the same cut that I've been getting for a while now, a short (up to my chin), straight bob kinda thing with some layers and a heavy, blunt fringe going right across my eyebrows. Also the hairdresser, who's cut my hair before, did a really nice job of feathering the ends of the hair around my face. I think it suits me much more than long hair.

It looks nice when it's all nicely straightened and styled, but for San I think I'm going to mess it up a little and go for the scruffy look. I'll probably take my straighteners along to Expo in any case so that I look a little more groomed for the party in the evening, or whatever the hell we end up doing!! XD

I'm rambling in here, aren't I? It's been a few days since I've updated properly though, so I just have a lot of random things to say.

I am making good progress with my week's reading so far, which I'm pleased about. I read The Time Machine by H G Wells today and tomorrow in between my seminars I will try and make some headway with The Taming of the Shrew. But overall I'm feeling confident. :)

I have a date (I think) on Friday. :3 I'm pleased and excited and apprehensive all at once.

I went out on Saturday night for Kay's birthday. As it was mostly girls going the dress theme was Barbie dolls (the lads were Action Men, complete with toy AK-47s) so being the dark brunette that I am and so very un-Barbie like, I went as rock chick Barbie and wore some fluro-bright pink footless tights with fence-wire tights over the top and sparkly black leg warmers, with a short skirt, t-shirt and lots of chunky jewellery and accessories. I was secretly chuffed with my nonconformist punk-goth chic, but I got kinda despondent by the fact that I hardly know any of Kay's friends anymore, and the music in the Sugarhouse was pretty bad. Still, the high point of the evening came when I texted the person who I am seeing on Friday and told him how I wasn't really enjoying myself and was thinking of going home. And he volunteered to come and walk me home because he didn't want me going by myself. So I gave in (without much persuasion, I have to say ^_~) and he came and met me and we had quite a nice, chilled-out walk home together.

Since I have to go to a 9.30am seminar tomorrow I think I'll go and sleep. Writing in here has had the effect of waking me up slightly, but I really do need to just crash right now.

Night, all!

haircut, uni, masquerade, date, cosplay, work, expo

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