Well, my list isn't smaller, but it's getting there.
I've been playing Guild Wars for about 6 hours today. I decided to do a big effort towards finishing. My main character (an Elementalist/Monk for anyone who's interested) went from halfway through level 18 to three quarters through level 19, which is awesome. She is kicking ass and taking names! And because I really am a dork, I've taken a picture of my character and I'm going to put it here:
Her name is Devil In Green and she sometimes causes a bit of a stir. I've been asked to bear the children of complete strangers when wandering around in that outfit. :) If I ever get around to it I'll take a video of her dancing. She does the hula, basically, and you can imagine in that outfit it usually draws a crowd.
Towards the end of my sessions today, I was really not enjoying it. Some of the groups I had were so fucking rude to each other, and I don't understand it. I've never encountered that sort of thing before. I thought people were generally fairly pleasant when they teamed up to complete missions and quests, but two of the 3 groups I was in today had problems. The first one was fine, no worries. There were three people who were obviously in the same guild and they had their little conversation going on that noone else could understand, because it had all sorts of in-jokes, but whatever (marriage).
The second group was strange. It started out friendly enough, and then out of nowhere the monk was screaming at me - by this I mean, writing rude things in caps lock - for running away when he was trying to heal me. And I'm saying: I was in the middle of a melee, which my character is not armoured to deal with, so of course I'm going to run away, and could you please heal me because I'm about to die? And he's going "well I had you covered, you noob" which was a really strange thing to say because he really didn't have me covered and I'm not a noob. And then three guys on the team who knew each other started talking smack about each other's mothers, as you do, I guess. Only this touchy monk took it the wrong way and thought they were talking about his mum deep throating them and all sorts of other stuff. So he's screaming "DON'T TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER, I PRINTED THE SCREEN, I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID, DON'T PRETEND YOU DIDN'T SAY IT" and the other guys are going "we weren't talking about you" and "how old are you anyway" and "get over yourself" and it was getting really aggro.
So I left that group as soon as I could, and ended up in another group that seemed fairly nice to start with. After a few teething problems we got ourselves sorted out fairly well. Except for this one guy who kept running ahead and getting all the monsters aggro'd, even though the rest of us were saying "please wait, need to heal" and stuff like that. So of course he dies. Repeatedly. And then he's writing to the screen "PLEASE RESURRECT ME, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" and shit like that. After about the fifth time this happened, I got the shits with it and wrote back "I'M WAITING TO GET ENOUGH ENERGY TO RESURRECT YOU BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T FUCKING WAIT WHEN I ASKED YOU TO" which made everyone else laugh and him drop out of the game. Not so clever on my part, obviously. And then two other guys started niggling at each other, because one of them was trying to tell the other what spells to equip, saying that he was elite, so he knew what he was talking about. Then when we were doing the quest, this elite guy didn't know his way somewhere, so the other guy was all "I thought you said you were elite, but you don't know where you're going?! Whatever, guy" which made the first guy get all defensive. It was just getting really unpleasant after awhile.
As I said, I've never had any groups behave like that before. I mean, I've been in groups that haven't "clicked" but never in groups that were so openly unpleasant to each other. I can't remember what was said, but I actually wrote once "that was uncalled for", which I never thought I would have to say in a game. Oh, I remember now! These two guys who were niggling each other were having a go at each other again, and one of them finally said "shut up" and the other one goes "I was just trying to help". The first one responds with "if you'd shut up you'd make me feel better and that would definitely help". We didn't have much conversation after that.
I've also watched two episodes of Angel season 1, so that's another thing on my list that I'm working towards. I'd forgotten how many throw away funny moments there are in Angel. Like when Doyle runs the car into the gates in ep 1, and you totally expect them to give way, because the music is all heroic, and then clang and nothing. Oh, and when Angel does the big flying leap into his car, only it's the wrong car! So very funny. The boy was a bit meh about the first few eps of Angel, so I don't know how much of it I'm going to be able to force him to sit through.
Lindsey looked so young! When the name Christian Kane first came up on the screen, I realised that I had forgotten that he was in Angel from the beginning. I was so happy to see him. He's such a little cutie.
And now I think I'm going to work on my combined Starbuck/Faith mood theme.