Nov 10, 2005 14:16
Well, i'm almost set to move..aside from the obvious stuff like packing, lol. i mean as far as emotional crap i have here (my mom). i wrote her that letter and she read it. i think i did a really good job writing it, there wasn't no emotional stuff in it...well a little, but noting overwhelming, and it was mostly 'this is the plan i'm sticking to it, and you can't change my mind'. we were online so i'm not sure what she was looking like, but she commented on how it was a hard decision to make. it was funny, i thought i'd sent her the wrong letter!. but i checked and it was the right one. we plan on talking about it sometime soon; we'll see how that goes. i'm coming back to myself again! ^ ^ i love it! i have a shitload of research to do tonight -_- bleh, i forgot i had my art history paper outline due i get to do it all tonight -_- it's due in the morning, andi have a class before it so i can't work on it at all in the morning...not like i'd have time. its a minimum of 5 sources of different typess (mags/journals/books/net/newspaper/ect) so it's off to work i go..on my A.H. paper outline. waht's funny, is this paper isn't due until i think 12-12 or something, but the outline is due tomorrow, so i'll have a month to put the outline into paragraphs, it's great, the hard part will already be done!!! W00T! ok i'm out! PACE