Music meme, Day 12 *non-rant version*

Jul 25, 2010 08:27

Day 12 - A song from a band you hate

So for all those who otherwise would not be seeing a day 12 due to the fact that it turned into a horribly long rant which I didn't want to share with the world, here is something else. Which is not actually by a band I hate, since the song that turned into a rant was of the only band I could actually feel like I hated.

Anyway, this was a runner up for the future category of "a song no one would expect you to like." I stumbled onto it when I did a research project on the Mongolian language. This band, Хурд (Hurd) is known for being the first to introduce heavy metal to Mongolia after the country became a democracy with a free market (as recently as the early 90s.)

They are also known for ballads, however, the kind which you'd find people holding a lighter up during (or a lit up cell phone, depending on if you're talking 21st century or not.) Such is this song, "Нэг ангийнхан" (Neg angiinhan.) I apologize for the bad quality. Hang in there until 4:20 to see a fight scene and the moral that, apparently... love does, solve everything. Somehow. XD  Anyway, I enjoyed seeing the stereotypes of high school days in Mongolian culture. I just wish I knew how to speak some Mongolian so I could understand the lyrics.

Anybody know anybody...?

image Click to view

Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15 - A song that describes you
Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19 - A song from your favorite album
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 - A song from your childhood
Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year

music meme, Нэг ангийнхан, mongolian, Хурд

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