Around Nonexis Tent | Wednesday Morning

Jun 20, 2012 10:10

It was ridiculously, unbearably hot out and it made Jace hate these stupid tents even more than usual. His hair was not meant to be out in the humidity but he would not stoop so low as to pull the mass of blonde curls into a manly ponytail or something. Instead he would let it fall into his face and let that sour his mood even more than usual.

He was fairly sure he had class later (who kept track of stuff like that?) and was looking forward to the possibility of being in a place with good air conditioning. Until then he would deal with the heat best he could, sitting outside under a tree a few feet from the tent. Being sullen.

[Expecting a phone call but the post is open]

place: nonexis tent, person: alec my parabatai

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