Inside Nonexis Tent | Sunday Morning

Jun 17, 2012 10:40

Jace hated these goddamn tents. Sure he was the big bad Shadowhunter but he did have some prissy habits one of which included sleeping in actual beds and not on a damn air mattress. He tried to dupe himself into thinking it was a fun camping expedition at first but that wore off after a few days and now he was just miserable. He could just hear Alec and Isabelle mocking him now.

Really the only upside of being this uncomfortable was that he was completely missing the fact that it was Father's Day.

He knew he could get out and start a fire on his own but much preferred someone else to do it, which was why he stayed snuggled down into his sleeping bag and waited for someone else to get to it.

[Post is open and Jace is botherable ofc]

place: nonexis tent, person: natalie my sister

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