No title for this. Simply because I don't wanna have a title.

Dec 20, 2007 22:39

A few years ago, I lost a friend.  Or at least, he was someone I believed to be a friend.  He was a flirty kind of fellow, a year or two older than myself, and seemed to be an all around good guy to talk with.  I lost contact with this person around three years ago, and I really don't miss him.

It's probably a good thing I don't talk with him anymore, as I've realized something very important about myself.

I can't stand people who want to whine and complain about their real-life situations or the real-life situations of others yet said whiner doesn't want to do a damned thing about it.  They want the sympathy for the situation they are in.  You see, this guy still lived with his parents and his sister, and, according to him, his life wasn't easy because of him still living at home.  At first, I sympathized with this guy.  I mean, it was terrible the things he had to go through, right?  Anyone first hearing about his ordeal would be sympathetic, and a lot of us at that particular board were.

I guess I had the wrong type of attitude at the time.  I should have probably taken the stance, don't like it?  Get a job, save up some money, and MOVE!  You can only gain sympathy for so long before the "woe is me, I live such a terrible life" becomes old and no one sympathizes with you anymore.  Yes, things aren't always easy to accomplish, but then if you don't have to work for it, it's not worth having.  Yes, things will probably get worse before they get better but they will eventually get better.  You just have to be open to the suggestions of others, even if it's not what you want to hear.  No one ever said truth was kind.

Believe it or not, life around here has not been all that bad.  The previous rant was just something I got to thinking about on my way home from work tonight so . . . -shrugs-

Anyway, what have I been doing lately?  Well, I tell you in a single word.


Yes, friends, I have been baking.  ^_^  I tried my hand at banana bread (forgot the baking soda, but the bread is still delish!) and peanut butter cookies for the first time EVER.  I also baked sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies with some holiday swirls in the mix.  It was a lot of fun!  It's been a while since I've done no bakes . . . can't really remember doing no bakes before but I think I have.  Anyway, no bakes and oatmeal cookies are the next on my list.  Next year, I want to try my hand at baking a pie!  And snicker doodles!  ^_^

Yes, the thought of baking makes me happy.  Aren't I such a geek?  ^_^

I'll try to post again before Christmas, but I'm not really going to promise much of anything.  Tomorrow is my final day off before the holiday and I have two, possibly three Christmases, I will be attending . . . or whatever.  Dad, Grandma, Wendy's.  Fun.  I will post a year in review.  I know I didn't accomplish everything I set out to do, but then that's what happens when you become an idiot and say, I'll work seven 12-hour shifts this month!  >_

life, geeked out, friends rant

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