So far, April isn't much better.

Apr 04, 2007 11:37

And I'm tired, more mentally and emotionally than physically. I really don't want to complain/discuss what's going on in my life because some of what's going wrong is stuff that I can change and that I will need to change. Some of it, I can't but that's just how life is. About the only things getting me/keeping me entertained are my writing, my iPod, and old episodes of Inuyasha. I forgot how much I really loved that show (before the fandom started to wear me down).

I may also have a change of plans. See, here's what I was aiming to do: I'm trying to save up enough money so I can move out of my mom's house. (Yes, I'm almost thirty and I still live at home. No, I don't get a free ride. I pay my mom rent, car insurance, and portions of the phone bill since I like to be online.) So far, it's been on the successful side, saving up the money. However, I'm in a slight predicament at the nursing home I work for (long story and I'm not getting into it), and I'm really wanting a different job because of this situation. The thing is, I don't want to get a new job just to quit in a few months. What I've been thinking of doing is find a new job and stay with it for a year or so then move to where I really want to go (Philadelphia rather than Lansing. In order to move there, I need at least eight grand in the bank because of how much rent costs). At the same time I save up for moving, I want to save up for a trip to Japan. I know it's not a good idea to be changing jobs as constantly as I have, but it's also not a good idea for me to stay at the nursing home anymore. I've never really cared for being a nursing assistant and I truly believe working in healthcare is not something people should do for the money. Being a healthcare professional is the type of profession someone should go into because he or she wants to be in said profession. The whole area of expertise is trying, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I'm just not strong enough to stay. Since I know that, I have to decide how much longer I intend to stay. If I only stay at the nursing home until the end of May or middle of July, I'll be moving towards Lansing. If I leave the nursing home at the end of April, I'll be staying here for a while longer, saving up for the move to Philadelphia and for a two-week vacation to Japan.

Yes, my job at Wendy's is currently dependent on what I intend to do at Autumnwood. If I stay until the end of May or middle of July, I will be talking to my boss there about possibly transferring to a Wendy's somewhere in Lansing. If I leave the nursing home at the end of April, I'll stay at Wendy's for a while longer. I really do like the place, I'd worked there once before for three years, and the only reason, in my mind, why I get aggravated there sometimes is because of how much I feel I have to deal with people. I'm not always a people-friendly person so being constantly around people tends to wear me down. I still like the job, though, and I'll stay there for as long as possible.

It doesn't mean anything, whatever I decide. I will complete The Summer of Dragons and Fireflies then start on the next book. I know I'm behind on my desired writing schedule, but I will still try to maintain it.

Yeah, I know. I just was talking about making up my mind a few paragraphs ago, but that had been my goal with this entry, to help me make my decision. I've decided to put my notice for the nursing home in. It'll be for the end of April. In the meantime, I can continue to work on my novel and start to look for a new job. I won't put my notice in today (I'm going to be leaving in the next hour), but it will be sometime this week. It's kind of crazy, I think. My health insurance was supposed to kick in this week and now I'll be leaving. Ironic, huh?

If anyone's read any of this, thanks for bearing with me. I know I didn't ask for input or anything of the like, but I do appreciate the time you've taken to read this. Even if I don't have something else lined by the beginning of May, I'll still be all right. I still have Wendy's. ^_^ Now to get to some dates.

May 1: Query letter written and mailed out (ralphiere take note of that, please, luv! ;))
May 21: Start second novel
June 21: The Summer of Dragons and Fireflies to be completed

Please, please, my dear f-list, hound me on these things. Or at least ask me if I don't post a daily progress report.

Speaking of which . . . I haven't done anything since Sunday. Bad me!

And I'm interested in something else . . . has anyone been enjoying the virtual cafe menus? If so, please drop me a line and I'll create a full menu for the place, kay?

job status, writing, decisions, virtual cafe, japan, writing progress, moving, writing report

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