"Every time I hook up with you, I get shot. Last time, I got shot in the ass!"

Aug 30, 2006 16:23

Yeah, a second post for the day. I can't help it. I'm feeling very good right now. :)

Title: Dancing With the Devil
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing: Read it and find out
Band: Nittle Grasper
For: gravi_drabble
Rating: It's safe for the chitlins to read.
Warnings: Male/male situations (yummy, in my book)
Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation. I wish I did, though. A few people would be rich! XD!
Summary: He'd been bewitched and he hated. He loved it at the same time.
Author's Note: The first person to correctly guess where I got the title for this story from wins a fanfic snippet from me. :)


“Up and down, around and around. Slide a little to the left then again to the right. Take two steps, four steps back, and twirl!”

He felt like a puppet, dancing to the whims of his master. Oh, how he wished he could stop, but he knew that it would be impossible. The man before him was simply too powerful, both in looks and in voice. He couldn't deny the man whatever he wanted.

Gleeful laughter surrounded him as he obeyed that charming voice. No one knew the blonde had it in him to be so cruel, so masterful, so . . . damn attractive.

"Come closer."

He did as he was told, wishing to break the spell over him but also wishing it would never break. He loved this man almost as much as he hated him. A smile greeted him as he approached.

"You're beautiful," the man murmured, holding an arm out. Violet-blue eyes locked with jade green and, for a moment, they simply stared.

Beautiful. The devil had just called him beautiful.

There are many holidays out there that we Americans just love to celebrate. I think if I were to ask people on my f-list which is their favourite holiday, I'd get a variety of responses, most of which would probably be Christmas. (That is my best guess on the subject! LOL)

My favourite holiday is Halloween. It's thirty days after my birthday, its main colours are black and orange (black is one of my favourite colours), there's chocolate and wearing costumes, but mostly it's centered around mystery and ghosts. Halloween's Pagon roots are still evident in this modern era, despite the attempts to "hide" its true nature.

Sure, there is the "you get to be something you're normally not" aspect to the holiday. That's fun and all, but there's more to it for me. I can't even really begin to describe it. I just know that I really, really like it. :) I'd love to dress up as a witch but then some people might look at me and say, "How come you didn't dress up?" XD That would be hilarious!

Yeah, I know. I'm talking about Transformers again after I mentioned how to stir up the fandom. XD I'm such a masochist sometimes!

Actually, this is about where my loyalties are when it comes to Transformers. First and most importantly, I am a Generation One fan ONLY. Don't try to show me Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Robots in Disguise, Armada or Energon. I'll pull out Megatron's fusion mighty quick on you for that! ;)

Also, I'm a Decepticon. Tell me Brawn still lives and I'll point out why he's dead. LOL.

You can't tell I'm a Decepticon fan by most of my fanfic, though. Since I started writing fanfic in 2000 (we'll not get into my fanfic catalogue just yet), most of my stories have been rather Ironhide-centric.

I have a thing for accents and tough guys. Hence my Transformer loves are Ironhide, Rumble, and Frenzy. :) They rock!

I've actually been a Transformers fan almost as long as I have been a Bangles fan. Scary, I know, but it's just how things have worked out for me. Transformers is actually one fandom wheere I don't mind most of the fans. Compared to Bangles fans, Transfans are actually a lot nicer. The politics that get involved are usually Autobot/Decepticon. Religion and actual politics are left out, and you don't have people saying, "Oh, I can't be a fan of this because . . ." (insert asinine reason) or, "I can't be your friend because . . ." (insert another asinine statement). It really is a fun fandom.

And now my mind is fading away from anything else but fanfic writing. :) Ta!

gravi_drabble, tohma x shuichi, fanfic, holidays, gravitation, random blabberings

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