[fanfic] A Beautiful Catastrophe, Chapter One (Gravitation, Eiri/Shuichi/Tohma)

Aug 16, 2006 13:46

Second one. This is for 30_rooms

Title: A Beautiful Catastrophe
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing: Eiri Yuki/Shuichi Shindou/Tohma Seguchi
Rating: Uh, M for Mature . . . definitely not for those under 18
Warnings: slight bondage (i think), Dom/sub situations, implied sex . . . oh yes. yaoi. must not forget that warning
Summary: Tohma is all about opportunity. When Shuichi comes to him with a "problem," he's more than willing to offer a solution.

“Are you sure about this?”

Tohma smiled patiently at the younger man and nodded. He couldn't believe his luck, truthfully. Shindou Shuichi had to be the world's most gullible young man and the most trusting.

“Of course, I'm sure about this, Shindou-san,” he murmured, handcuffing the younger man to the room's wooden posts. “It will help. I promise.”

“If you say so . . .”

“I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't think it would help you with your . . . problem,” Tohma replied, his hands sliding down the vocalist's sides. “Do you not trust me?”

“I do. I do trust you,” the singer quickly affirmed. “It's just . . . I don't know . . . weird, I guess you could say.”

Violet eyes gazed at him, curiosity and uncertainty lighting them. Tohma knew that Shindou was having some doubts about what they were going to do but he could only assure the young man for so long. For the last two weeks or so, the vocalist had been having a hard time dealing with intimacy and it had been affecting nearly everyone around him. Tohma had gotten Bad Luck's leader to confess as much two days ago and this, a game of sadism and masochism, had been Tohma's “solution.” In reality, he wanted a chance to be alone with the singer and to find a way to have sex with him. The twenty-three-year-old had stirred a variety of conflicting emotions within Tohma over the last several months, and the blonde found such feelings to be intriguing. He figured the only way to get rid of them was to sample the younger man for himself. Fortunately for him, Shindou was quite willing, especially if it helped with his own problems.

“Do not worry so much about it, Shindou-san,” he whispered, his tone deep and husky with desire. “You can always tell me to stop.”

The vocalist nodded and relaxed under his touch. That was the true essence behind sadism and masochism games. Both partners had to be agreeable to the activities and there had to be a safety word. Tohma already knew what it was and would have to stop once Shindou said it. For as in control as he would seem, the true master in the game was Shindou. The house mistress had indicated as much to Tohma after they had arrived.

Still, despite the lack of total control, Tohma found his current situation to be quite thrilling. The room was simple enough, almost like something he'd find in his own home or a hotel. Behind Shindou sat a full-sized bed made with black satin sheets. A night stand, a lamp, a large mirror, and a few pieces of artwork adorned the rest of the room. What made it stand out were the two posts in the center, to which he had handcuffed a topless Shindou, and the shelf of sex toys. Tohma couldn't name all of them but then he didn't need to know, either. He wanted the singer to come back to him for more, not for Shindou to be traumatized by the experience.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, Tohma stepped away from the vocalist, his hands still in contact with warm flesh. As much as he wanted to continue touching Shindou, he couldn't. Not when he wanted to hear that voice crying out in both pleasure and pain. Tohma turned away from the vocalist and reached for the nearest item . . .

* * *

Eiri felt his groin stiffen as he watched, from behind the room's mirror, his brother-in-law torment his lover. He had cringed the first time the riding crop had hit Shuichi across the back and at the cruel words Tohma had said to the dark-haired youth. He also had to refrain from barging into the room to get Shuichi away from the older blonde. The petite vocalist would never have forgiven him if he had interrupted and now he was glad he hadn't. Each strike against tender flesh brought out a pleasured cry from Shuichi's lips. The cries were punctuated by moans and harsh panting. Idly, Eiri wondered if the pleasure Shuichi felt stemmed from the fact that he knew Eiri was watching everything going on. It had been quite accidental, discovering that Shuichi liked to be watched while having sex . . .

Before him, Seguchi started to strip Shuichi down even further. Sweat coated his lover's body, his face had flushed a nice shade of pink, and Shuichi was quite aroused. Anyone with two eyes could see it and Eiri felt his breath hitch. He knew what was going to come next but found uncertain as to what to feel. Should he be even more aroused? Shuichi had always been enticing to watch and the singer was enjoying himself. It had been his idea, after all, for Eiri to be included. Could he watch his brother-in-law and his lover fuck, though? That had been the issue he struggled with. Shuichi was his and no one else's.

A low, gutteral moan escaped both Shuichi and Tohma at that moment, their bodies joined. Eiri's breathing quickened and he knew. He could watch. He hated the fact that it was his brother-in-law giving his lover pleasure but then it had been what Shuichi had wanted, that chance to experiment with someone new. Eiri couldn't have denied the younger man anything, though he had continued to try, and he had resisted against the idea of Shuichi wanting to take on Tohma as a lover. The man was married to his sister, but was also someone Shuichi had admired for a good portion of his life. It was a logical choice, really, and Eiri found himself glad with Shuichi's choice.

'Maybe there will be a next time for this . . .'

Eiri smirked a little as he imagined the look of shock on Tohma's face when the older man found out what was truly going on. Yes. It would definitely be worth it in the end.

shuichi, eiri, 30_rooms, fanfic, writing, gravitation, tohma

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