Sporking Silent Melody: Author's note

Jun 03, 2013 00:27

Is it that time, already? I guess it is.
After inflicting her two stories Shinra High and Shinra SOLDIER upon the unsuspecting Final Fantasy VII community, Sephirothslave was inspired by the release of Advent Children into adding a third part to her morally corrupted saga of suck. And so, on April 30th 2006, a great shadow descended upon the Pit of Voles in the shape of the first chapter of Silent Melody. This story places Sephiroth firmly in the Woobie seat, screws around with every single facet of the film canon and threatens to revive what should stay dead and buried.

We should have known the film would not be safe. Alas.

Unlike her previous work, Slave stopped posting chapters after a while, leaving her third installment unfinished - much to our relief (or masochistic disappointment). What she did post is well worth a read though, and we have taken up our sporks again in the hopes of providing you all with hours of fun. Before we throw ourselves in the midst of mediocrity and sappy wishfulfillment however, we have a rather large author's note to take care of. Sit back, gentle readers, and you muses sing for us while we prepare the stage for the most unnecessary, unapologetically biased story Slave has ever written.


A/N: Okay, this is probably going to take a bit of explaining.

Lian Hua: If Slave feels the need to say this, you know it's gonna be bad.

This is kind of a sequel to Shinra SOLDIER. The difference is that this no longer religiously follows the Final Fantasy VII plot.

Lian Hua: Unlike the previous two stories, which follow the FFVII canon so religiously, they might as well be called apostles.

This takes place along the Advent Children timeline, but I've changed some stuff around, because I felt like it.

Lian Hua: No, you made those changes because what you have previously written is so messed up that it cannot possibly be connected with the Advent Children timeline unless you change 90% of the film's story and character personalities.

Iscariot: Considering the fact that Slave is, to this day, convinced that her first two stories can meld seamlessly together with the game canon, her admitting defeat in this case says a lot about what we are about to spork.

So, here are the differences: (The first chapter is down there somewhere…)

1.) Sephiroth manifested a new body for himself, not possessed Kadaj.

Lian Hua: If Sephiroth could manifest a new body for himself, why did he bother making the Remnants in the first place?

Iscariot: Wow, she pretty much rendered the entire plot of Advent Children moot with the first change she made. That's the fastest I've seen her desecrate anything.

2.) As in Shinra SOLDIER, the 'Jenova Possession' theory still stands. This is, as usual for my fanfics, the basis for my belief that Sephiroth and his clones are not evil.

Lian Hua: They are not clones, they are remnants. There is a huge difference between the two.

Iscariot: Random fun facts: Those who have played Final Fantasy X will be familiar with the concept of the "Unsent," wandering souls who have physically manifested because of an incredibly strong will, usually to finish some earthly task left undone upon their death. The truth is that this is based off the concept of the shinentai, a type of Japanese ghost. In both FFX and FFVII, the term "shinentai" is used to describe characters who have manifested themselves physically to carry out a purpose after death. In Advent Children, Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz are a twist on this traditional concept.

That being said, anyone with a semblance of Final Fantasy knowledge could look this up and understand the concept behind Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz and know that no, they aren't clones or brothers or whatever, and Sephiroth didn't posses Kadaj.

3.) Because of the former relationships in Shinra High and Shinra SOLDIER, the Turks are against AVALANCHE.

Lian Hua: How do you justify Vincent's position, then? During Shinra SOLDIER, he had just been hired as a Turk. How do you justify him being found in a coffin in the Shinra Mansion?

Iscariot: AVALANCHE doesn't comprise of just Cloud and Aerith, Slave. Your clumsy attempt to create complex character relationships means that Reno, Rude, and Tseng were friendly with Tifa, Yuffie, perhaps Cid, and Vincent. Meanwhile, Barrett, Reeve, and Red XIII are pretty much neutral.

4.) Loz may or may not be a little out-of-character, but I don't know yet. If he is, I blame it on Jenova's possession of his body. (Perhaps she wanted him to appear child-like to make people underestimate his strength?)

Lian Hua: We'll settle for "definitely out of character, at all times and in all situations."

Iscariot: Why don't you blame it on your terrible writing skills and complete inability to comprehend the characterizations and plot of the movie? Oh wait, I'm sorry, I'm expecting you to take responsibility for your crap writing again.

This is a work in progress, so I pray that you give it a chance to develop a tumor and wither. If you haven't read Shinra High and Shinra SOLDIER, do that first, please. It will be exceedingly difficult to understand what's going on unless you do.

If you don't want to take the time, here is an overview of the character relationships established in Shinra High and Shinra SOLDIER, as well as a brief coverage of the two major OCs.

Julia Nakahamou; the center of Juliaverse, she is Tseng Nakahamou's adoptive suesister.

Lian Hua: Wrong, she is his foster sister. His family never officially adopted her.

She lived with his family before being reclaimed by her abusive parents. Later, she marries Sephiroth, thus becoming Julia Okokou. She died, but is reincarnated later in this story.


Korokou Nihau; one of six high school children chosen for Professor Hojo's SOLDIER-Training program. He died, but is reincarnated later in this story. (The other five in the program are Sephiroth, Julia, Reno, Rude, and Zack)

Lian Hua: WHY? What reason could there possibly be for this guy to come back? He barely had any role in the first two parts of the story!

Iscariot: Let the cardboard rest in peace!

Um…Everything else you should figure out without a problem.

LianHua: I thought we were supposed to read Shinra High and SOLDIER first, otherwise it would be too difficult for us to comprehend your complex and masterfully-written stories? Now you're saying we'll do perfectly fine with just the information you've provided?

My apologies for this drawn-out introduction, and please enjoy the next volume in the 'Shinra' series, Silent Melody.

Lian Hua: We will. In a morbid sense, of course.

Iscariot: Time to break open the brain bleach again....

silent melody

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