stop me oh oh oh stop me....

Apr 14, 2005 19:23

stole this from

1. Nervous Habits: dont think i have really, im not that nervous a person

2. Are you double jointed: nope

3. Can you roll your tongue: yeah i think so anyway

4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: yeah both. when i was younger i wanted to be the rock, so i had to do the Peoples Eyebrow

5. Can you blow spit bubbles: yeah as a wee kid everyone done it

6. Can you cross your eyes: yeah but it makes me dizzy

7. Tattoos: Not yet, cant wait to get a couple though

8. Piercings: nah its not my thing really

9. Do you make your bed daily: yeah, but really badly, my mum always straightns it out


10. Which shoe goes on first: never really noticed but im guessing right

11. Speaking of shoes have you ever thrown one at anyone: im sure i have but i cant remember

12. On the average, how much money do you carry: depending on how far into the month it is and how much cash iv got left

13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7: none.

14. Favorite pieces of clothing: my jackets: suit, leather,tunic. libs t-shirts, my jeans and converse
-- FOOD --
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: yeah twirl, ive never heard of cutting it

16. Have you ever eaten Spam: yes i think, my gran gave me it once then my grandad went on about how they all had to have it during the war, usual old people stuff (its not very nice either)

17. Favorite ice cream flavor: i must say it has to be chocolate. havent had ice cream in ages come to think of it

18. How many cereals in your cabinet: about 5 i think-

19. What's your favorite beverage: coke for non alcohol, and miller for alcoholic

20. What's your favorite restaurant: ive no idea, this chinese in glasgow, cant remember what its called buts its amazing

21. Do you cook: never, only microwave stuff, even at that i burn it

22. How often do you brush your teeth: every morning and depending on where i am at night

23. Hair drying method: just a towel, who said i straightned my hair? lol
24. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair: well i did once spray it blue and once red but i was in 1st/2nd year!

25. Do you swear: yeah lots but i now watch it

26. Do you ever spit: never, i hate it, if it has to be done well...

27. Animal: hmmm i duno, dolphins are immense because they are really smart but ive heard crows are smart too

28. Food: has to be chinese

29. Month: july definetly, its the busiest and you never have much to worry about

30. Day: friday but for some reason ive been working on fridays so saturday

31. Cartoon: simpsons is immense, also south park

32. Shoe brand: has to be converse

33. Subject in school: history
34. Color (black and white are hues not colors): probably red or blue or green, i dont have one

35. Sport: football by a mile

36. TV show: shameless is amazing and scrubs is really good too

37. Thing to do in the spring: no idea for old fashioned people clean?

38. Thing to do in the summer?: have the time of your life, and go to a festival

39. Thing to do in the fall?: fall... lol again i dont know the conventional thing to do

40. Thing to do in the winter?: complain and say man its never been as cold as this... theres usually a lot of gigs in the winter
41. In the CD player: the futureheads- the futureheads

42. Person you talk most on the phone with: monica, i need to phone her tonight actually

43. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors: ah always, its a terrible thing to do

44. What color is your bedroom: cream, but its full of posters

45. Window seat or aisle: im not too bothered but the window is always cool

-- LA LA LAND --

47. What's your sleeping position: usually to my left
48. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: yep always have a cover
49. Do you snore: iv never been told i do, so hopefully not.
50. Do you sleepwalk: have done in the past its weird
51. Do you talk in your sleep: used to do that, i dont think i do anymore.
52. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope
53. What about with the light on: i hate sleeping with the light on but il do it if i have to lol
54. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: i have done its so annoying

55. Outfit: blue t-shirt and black faded jeans
56. Worry: that iv done feck all preparation for my exams
57. Desktop: morrissey, such a great pic
58. Song: Hey Scenesters- the cribs
59. To do list: finish my essay, phone monica about tomorrow, and phone marc about physics homework
60. Need and/or Want: in dire need of cash but il survive, want the weekend to happen now!!!
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