adventures with joffrey

Jul 23, 2012 10:27

I actually went and replaced the used xbox I got with a new one. The GameStop lady refunded me the entire cost of the used system rather than the on-sale cost, so the new one came at a minor discount. All in all, decent purchase. I feel better spending money when I'm making money.

As for making money, I do feel kinda like a lazy bum, because I'm arranging to end my internship on Aug 10th. Quite frankly, I can stay much longer than that since school doesn't start until Sept 5th, but... I want a month's summer vacay. I feel like an ingrate since my job is easy and pays well (especially since, well, here I am, posting videogame feels on LJ while at work), so I feel like I should stick it through for another few k's of spending cash, but fuck it. My tuition and rent's covered, I wanna sleep in.

So, my Shep is an infiltrator, earthborn war hero. She looks really Asian. At first, she only looked mixed/exotic, then I gave her the blackest hair, and welp, suddenly 100% Asian.

I feel bad in hindsight because she was a dick at Nihlus. geozine says she's a horrible person towards pretty much everyone, but she's not that bad. She's definitely a Grumpy McGrumpyPants though. I'm still trying to figure her out, but she's pretty decent compared to my DA:O elf mage. That guy was actually mean-spirited.

I think my team going forward is going to be Wrex and Kaidan. I love Wrex. I only just got him, but he's gonna get along great with Shep. I haven't gotten Liara yet, so she might replace Kaidan, but for now, I need Kaidan pretty desperately to stay alive. I treat him like shit though, which is kinda unfortunate.

As for my wonderful adventures into the world of action rpgs, I suck with a pistol. Like, I used a pistol for most of the opening mission, and well, there were times when Kaidan and Ashley had killed all the enemies before I even took aim. I'm that bad--although slightly improved now. I am somehow faster (and certainly more comfortable) with a sniper rifle. I guess I picked the right class.

Also, the Council can die in a fire, thanks.

I capslock at Guru while I play, so I don't really have any dumb shit to say that I haven't said already. In general, I can't tell if the game is harder than the average Tales game because I cannot with the xbox controls (which is true) or just because I dislike most of Yuri's artes. I also dislike most of his normal attacks too--the rhythm's off, and it's a pain in the ass to target small and/or flying creatures. I'm getting used to him though. I suspect I might switch to playing Judith when I get her, but Yuri's not nearly as difficult for me to play as Luke.

The plot's really, really well done. Vesperia's storytelling is beautifully natural and organic, which is so weird for a JRPG. I found Yuri and Estelle running around after Flynn pretty hilarious. For the longest time, I was trying to figure out if the game wanted me to ship Flynn/Yuri or Flynn/Estelle, but then Rita showed up, and omg Estelle/Rita OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP OMG. (Yuri and Flynn don't get along well enough for me to see them as a functional couple though. It doesn't help that I don't really like Flynn. Holding out hope for Raven/Yuri or another option to turn up.)

Rita is basically the best thing ever. I love her. I like all the playable characters so far, actually. Estelle's endearing rather than annoyingly sheltered or cavity-inducing (that'd be Luke and Colette, respectively), and Karol is adorbs. Still, I'm looking forward to picking up Raven new party members. Also, AI is dumber than ever before. I basically have to control Estelle myself from the menu, it's ridiculous.

Gattuso was a bitch. Took me three tries, although the first probably didn't count since I walked blindly in at half HP and then my dad came in to talk. Rest of the game's been decent as long as it wasn't Yuri alone vs multiple enemies, then it's just brutal.


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