Meme Time- I'm bored

Feb 17, 2010 23:11

Watching the Olympics and being bored leads to memes.

List your 5 current favourite TV shows and answer the following questions.

1. Castle
2. The West Wing
3. Firefly
4. Red Dwarf
5. Angel

1. Who's your favourite character in #2?
The West Wing
-Sam Seaborn. I just love his character and Rob Lowe is awesome. I was SO HAPPY when he returned in the final season. I also am a big fan of CJ, Bartlett, Leo, and I seriously wish Santos was our President. (Or I did before Obama)

2. Who's your least favourite character in #1?
...uhh maybe Captain Montgomery? Not that I dislike him, I just don't like him as much as everyone else? It's hard because everyone is so awesome on the show.

3. What's your favourite episode of #4?
Red Dwarf
"Quarantine". The BEST episode of the whole series, as well as the first one I ever saw. Rimmer in a dress with a penguin hand-puppet and SO MANY great quotes. "Don't call me tetchy!!" "Mr. Flibble says, 'Game Over Boys'"

4. What's your favourite season of #5?
Season 5. Angel/Spike and Angel/Lindsey ALL IN THE SAME SEASON. \o/ I love me some tattooed Lindsey... Mmmm.

5. Who are you favourite 'ship in #3? Why?
Oh hard. Uhmm, I confess to enjoying Mal/Jayne like a fiend. I also kinda like Jayne/Kaylee. And I could never separate Zoey/Wash.

6. Who are your antiship in #2? Why?
The West Wing
Uhh Toby/anyone. I really dislike Toby.

7. How long have you watched #1?
Since the third episode of the series. I missed the first two because I didn't really care, but then I thought I might as well give it a try and enjoyed it.

8. How did you become interested in #3?
My friends had been telling me to watch it for years, but actually another LJ friend sat me down and we watched it together on New Years Eve of... 2006/2007 I think. Then I got sick and slept through Serenity. It was a weird evening.

9. Who's your favourite actor/actress in #4?
Red Dwarf
Chris Barrie is just AMAZING but I really like Craig Charles.

10. Which do you prefer; Season 1 of #2 or #5?
The West Wing/Angel

I'm going to go with The West Wing. It's just an all around better show, plus it's one of the few with Sam in it.

11. Which show have you seen more episodes of; #1 or #3?

Not a fair question as there are only 14 episodes of Firefly existing. I probably have watched those 14 episodes more times than single views of Castle though, so I'm going with Firefly.

12. If you could be anyone from #4, who would you be?
Red Dwarf

LOL I honestly think I'd like to be Lister. Rimmer would be fun, but I like eating/feeling.

13. How would you kill off your favourite character in #1?

Do I have to? If I had to, probably through a heart attack during sex with Beckett. :P

14. Give a random quote from #5.

Spike: [as Rachel] How can I thank you, you mysterious black-clad hunk of a night thing?
Spike: [as Angel] No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. And now, I'm just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. No, not the hair. Never the hair.
Spike: [as Rachel] But there must be some way I can show my appreciation?
Spike: [as Angel] No, helping those in need's my job, and workin' up a load of sexual tension and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough.
Spike: [as Rachel] I understand. I have a nephew who's gay, so...
Spike: [as Angel] Say no more. Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair-gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away.

15. Which character in #2 do you love to hate/dislike?
The West Wing

Arnie Vinick. I actually REALLY liked his character... the problem was I liked Santos more.

16. Would a #3/#4 crossover work?
Firefly/Red Dwarf
ROFL You know, I think it would. They're both space set Sci-fi and Red Dwarf is weird enough to stumble into the 'Verse. Ahahahah now I really wanna see Rimmer up against Jayne. And Lister and Simon... Oh God it would be HILARIOUS.

17. Pair 2 characters in #1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?

Esposito/Lanie. They'd be ADORABLE if Esposito wasn't already fucking Ryan. You know they are.

18. Has #5 inspired you in any way?

Inspired me a little in my daddy!kink with Angel/Spike and my pursuance of BDSM I suppose. I dunno, it's a weird question for the show.

19. Overall, which show has a better cast; #2 or #4?
The West Wing/Red Dwarf

You have to go with The West Wing. As much as I love Red Dwarf, WW is just in a different class.

20. Which has better theme music; #3 or #5?

Firefly all the way.


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