MFM 2011

Sep 06, 2011 13:49

Well its been a long long time since I updated Livejournal. I still look at it about every day and peruse friends lists, I just haven't felt that motivated to write about anything in particular.

But this past weekend I went up to Mephit FurMeet with Grylor and we had a great time. It was a bit of a drive, around 13-14 hours from Orlando to Olive Branch, left after work and drove through the night to get there early afternoon.

I recognized a few familiar faces I hadn't seen in awhile but by and large everyone and thing were new to me. The hotel is quite nice, liked the space very much and the split levels with all the access ramps were perfect for zeebah's with carpet skate hooves, hehehe.

Had some good hibachi/sushi at a nearby place, and mostly bummed around having low key fun all weekend. Met a bunch of Grylor's friends from the area and such, had some relaxing get togethers. My enthusiasm for conventions has been dampened somewhat over the last couple years, but it was picked up a good bit by this one and I started having fun again. Maybe I'll venture out to some other cons in the near future again.

The drive home sucked of course, 13-14 hours with much of it spent sloshing around through the leavings of Tropical Storm Lee. Was some hairy driving at points and TomTom routed us all over eastern nowhere to avoid traffic accidents on the highway. Anyways, thats all for now, I shall endeaver to dig up some pictures.
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