
Mar 16, 2011 01:43

Well, I quite my hellhole miserable morning job last week, finally. Been aching to do so for a long time, hated that place since week one. I haven't needed it financially for a long time, and I was down to just one day a week. Far too much hassle for fifty bucks or less after taxes per week. Had a celebration dinner at Kobe Steakhouse this past Friday with a bunch of friends from work and around town. The strange thing is, that when I looked back on the calender, I found out that I worked there for EXACTLY one year and six months TO THE DAY. Guess it was just meant to be.

On the horizon, I might possibly have another part time job lined up. I don't need it really, but working there would definately help with knowledge and experience and look good on a resume. Plus it might just be fun. More on that as it developes.
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