Well, I moved last week, starting on Friday, and got settled into the new place over the weekend. In my own apartment now, in the newer division of the complex and it is quite nice if I do say so myself, very excited. Above is the view out my balcony. Still a few loose ends to tie up but things are mostly done. Its going to be epic! Once I get things fully set up and all and have some actual time off, I'd like to have a lil party or get together. Perhaps after the Thanksgiving holiday, as my parents are coming down to visit that week, hehe!
My wonderful former roommate Liesl should be settled into her new house as well and I hope she likes it as much as I like mine! It was kind of sad to see our old place all empty on that last day, after nearly three years there. I still drive by the building and look up at the old balcony every day, it was the place where I was really welcomed into living here in Florida and got established. I hope to be here for awhile longer!