Nov 29, 2008 08:51
So yesterday was Black Friday. I arrived at Target at 5:30 as I had to start at 5:45. I was expecting huge long lines wrapping around the building once again and was saddly disapointed to see a much smaller line. Last year was our first Black Friday so maybe that had something to do with it. They reported having like 300 people when we opened so I guess a lot of people were in their cars or at another door or something.
They had EVERY lane open for cashiers and I of course was in express (that was fine with me) but had no hand scanner! I knew that would become quickly annoying and sure enough... Everytime I saw someone had large things a flatbed couldn't ring I had to have them wait and go to another express lane. Gift cards that had the smaller bar codes I had to type in all the numbers mannually. Lots of people use or got gift cards. For checking ID I had to type in their number. I had two people use tax exepmt so I had to type in all their information. (I love people who have Tax exemption letters and take full advantage of them for thier own gain... When a teacher is buying kids underwear and fancy adult bra's I can't help but wonder are they A.) Shopping for themselves or B.) NOT the type of teacher I want my kids around.) So yea that was LOADS of fun being scanner less. Thankfully after the rush they moved a few of the cashiers to other areas and I was able to move to another express register with one.
I really liked how for the first hour or two they had carts used to direct traffic to the front lanes. The look on peoples faces when they would run into a large thing of carts blocking them from getting to the lanes and have to walk back all the way around softlines and up the other way to get through. The HR rep was standing over their directing people to open lanes. It was on the totally opposide side from her so express didn't see a ton of guests. I was on the side of express where it was the registers, 3 ft and then the wall for See Spot so if someone was stopped at my register (register 1) then nobody could pass them to get to 2-4. I tried my best to funnel people to the end first, but I don't know how many times I heard "But the lady told me to come to THIS register!"
For lunch they had Jimmy Johns which was disapointing for 2 reasons. First I am not a big fan so I ended up pulling out the meat and cheese and just eating that from the sandwhich, throwing away the chips because they were burt or something and I ate the cookie but it too was over cooked. Secondly, last year we had FAMOUS DAVE'S BBQ!! I guess I had a hard time going from baby back ribs with all the fix'ns to sub sandwiches. I am greatful they fed us though.. damn I was hungry.
I can't remember any GOOD FL stories worthy of telling. People just started to blend one after the other. Didn't have any particularly difficult guests either Thankfully. I worked till 2:45 and then went shopping.
What was a HOT iteam (besides the obvious TV's) for your store?? For us it was the SHARK mini Vac for $10. I rang up a lot of them and funny enough many team members used their breaks to grab one too. I was glad I went on my lunch because they were nearly out. I had it in the breakroom with me and it was actually being passed around. Needless to say a few more TM made their way to try and get one too after seeing it.
As I was walking around after my shift 3 hrs later I had people stop me and ask me "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!?" I hope it works as well as all the hype. I bought it for my dad for Christmas.
I came home only to not move any more than I had to. Having been away since 4:30am and on my feet 9 hrs (minus breaks) I was sore and tired. Time to get used to that though because the HOLIDAYS ARE HERE!!!