Update on my crazy life

Jul 30, 2008 18:46

If anyone has been wondering where I went the word Internship comes to mind. Last week I was 25hrs (productive time probably 28 total).
On Saturday Mom took me to the cassino boat with grandma and Ellen on Saturday. I played $20 and left with $27.60! I always feel terrible when I leave with anything less than what I came with so I was quite pleased. We stopped for ice cream at the Plush Horse and headed home. It was a nice time. Sunday was a day of relaxation, dinner at the grandparents and so forth.

This week at the internship has been rather crazy. First off Nancy is gone to Rowanda so I am filling in for her. Monday I had 2 intakes and a group, Tuesday I had 1 intake and a group and today I had a group. It doesn't sound like much but somehow with paperwork and so forth it adds up. I probably wouldn't get near the time I am if my supervisor weren't so disorganized and behind. I don't know how many hours I have spent since Monday waiting for her to sign off on my intakes to get them faxed to the Dr (all new clients have to be signed off on my a medical dr within 74 hrs) but they went out today at 4:30!

Monday- I probably would have ended up staying till 9:30 or later getting my progress notes done and finishing up my intakes except for very shortly after group I found myself making a mad dash to the restroom and getting sick. I left shortly after. That was an 11 hr day.

Tuesday- I finished up all the work that would have had to do the night before and had an intake. . I got all that paperwork done and then I worked on some other projects before I had my group. After group there was more paperwork and I helped my supervisor with a lot of stuff too. It was 10pm when we called it quits for the night. My intakes were not yet sighned.

Today- I went in at 9 and worked on the project of putting new clients into folders that I had been assigned to yesterday until I had my group. I did that and thinking I would chart and go home by 2 I was sadly mistaken. My supervisor is sadly very behind on a lot of things so I helped her out by doing a lot of her charting while she took care of an intake she had. She was FINALLY able to make time to look over the intakes and they were sent out at 4:30 and left at 5. I took some time to organize my office as I'm learning a lot of what NOT to be like from her. Really Nice woman, but dysfuctional for sure. 8 Hrs today!

internship, gambling boat

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