[Diccionarios] Brasil

Feb 03, 2013 17:14

Aquí hay una recopilación de distintas palabras y frases que podemos encontrar en Brasil (y quizá también se usen en otros países).
Si piensan que falta alguna palabra, pueden decirlo mediante un comentario en este post.

Aí: Entonces. Ej: “Aí ela me chamou de idiota” (“Entonces, ella me dijo idiota”).
Arretado: Double meaning. If you use to describe a person, it means ‘angry’, ‘furious’, but if you use to portray an object the meaning is good: “Está arretado!” (It’s great/awesome!). "Irado" significa lo mismo.
As pampa!: Fine, good, as ‘things going well’. “Tudo as pampa.” (Everything’s doing fine.)
Baitola: Fag. Like ‘Viado’.
Balada: Party, night club.
Bêbado: Borracho. También, “bebum”, “cachaceiro”, “beberrão” (Esta última no se usa comúnmente, pero suena graciosa).
Bicha: fag.
Bicho: animal.
Bobo: Tonto.
Bolado: Style.
Bunda: Trasero. Pero no se usa todo el tiempo. Ni como un insulto (a menos que le digas a alguien “bundão”, que significa “retardado”, “inútil”, pero es un insulto estúpido). “Bumbum” es preferible, en mi opinión xD
Burro: Estúpido, idiota. También “besta”, “anta”.
Cagar e andar: to not give a damn. Ex: “Estou cagando e andando pra isso” (“I don’t give a damn for that”). It's not very polite. :D
Cara: 1. Literalmente, cara, rostro 2. Usado en masculino es un sinónimo de “chico”. (ese chico = aquele cara)
Chato: 1. Molesto. 2. Aburrido.
Chegado: Close friend.
Dane-se: Screw that. Also "foda-se" (but this one isn't as subtle, lol).
Doido: crazy. Also “biruta”, “pirado”, “maluco”, “ensandecido” (cool word is cool).
Eita: kind of countryside-slang. Interjection for... something. I’m not sure, it can be used for a lot of things. Kinda means “woah” or “oh my”. Also “eta”, “vixe”, “eita nóis”, “caramba” (this one we borrowed from you guys, yeah), “valei-me”, “nossa”, "oxe"
Escroto: Something lame. If used to someone, it means the person is being/acting ridiculous. “Tosco” is a synonym.
Fofo: Cute, fluffy, cuddly. You can call a baby or a puppy “fofinho”.
Gato/a (also “gatinho/a”): 1. Cat. 2. Someone hot or good-looking; babe.
Gostoso/a: 1. Yummy (for food). 2. Hot (for a person). Slap-on-the-face worthy. Usually said with a sexy intonation.
Gracinha: cute, used like “que gracinha!” (“so cute!”) or “ela é uma gracinha” (“she’s a cutie”). Comes from the word “graça”. It’s really girly. xDDD
Idiota: idiot. Also “imbecil”, “otário”, “retardado”.
Implicar: to annoy.
Legal: Cool, nice. Ex: “Isso é muito legal!” (“This is really cool!”) or “Esse casaco é legal” (“That coat is nice”).
Ligar: 1. To call. 2. To care. Ex: “Eu não ligo pra isso” (“I don’t care for that”).
Mamão: Idiot. Mostly used at the northwest.
Maneiro: Cool. Sort of old-fashioned, though, I think?
Mano: dude, bro. Used in São Paulo.
Massa: Cool, nice. Used just like ‘Legal’ is.
Mina: slang for girl. Also used in São Paulo. crazy paulistas
Morou?, Sacou? : Got it?
Pegar ar: Get angry. “Estou começando a pegar ar!” (I’m starting to get annoyed!)
Pití: Very close to “Surtar”, usually used with verbs like ‘give’ or ‘have’. Like in “Vou dar pití!” (“I’ll have a fit!”)
Queda (also “quedinha”): crush. Ex: “Eu tenho uma queda por você.” (“I have a crush on you.”) Also "estar a fim de".
Réveillon: New Year’s Eve. Yes, it’s French, I don’t know why we use it. It’s a pretty word!
Se fecha!: Stop talking!
Soltar os cachorros: Throw a fit. Start an argument. También "Chutar o Balde", "Chutar o pau da barraca"
Sujeito: another synonym for “guy”, “dude”, “fellow”.
Supimpa!: That word is oldschool, but it’s so cute! I means the same as “as pampa!” and “legal”.
Surtar: to go crazy, to throw a fit. Also “pirar”, “ficar doido”.
Tarado: pervert. Yeah.
Tosco: something with bad quality, ridiculous, something like that. It has a lot of uses as well...
Transar: have sex. Also "fazer amor", "comer" (orz), "foder" (orzzzz, this one is a bad word), "afogar o ganso", "tirar o atraso", "dar um tapa na peteca" (what), etc. Don't ask me, I don't know. /hides
Vazar: Go away, leave the place quite urgently. “Vaza daqui!” (Get out!)
Viado: comes from “veado” (deer). It’s a slang for homosexual, but with a bad sense. It’s used more as an adjective than as a vocative. Ex.: “Você é um viado mesmo!”
Você: You. We don’t use “tu”, unless we’re in south Brazil near Sebby and Martin and some other places.
Ué: interjection for surprise. Also: uai, iá.
Xilique: Same as “Pití”.
Zé-ruela: jerk. Also “viado”, “zé-mané”, “zé-buceta” (please don’t use this one, it’s BAD and HORRIBLE).
Zuar: Mess around, joke. “Estava só zuando!” (I was just messing around!)

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