Rainbow Hightops, I want you!

Mar 24, 2010 21:33

It is finally starting to look a bit more like spring.  I've even seen people wearing their coats SANS scarves!  This is definately  a step in the right direction!  Now, if only the leaves would return to the trees, we might have a full-on change of seasons!  I can't overestimate my excitement about this as the winter this year in central Poland was ghastly: cold, cold, cold, with a side-dish of frequent snow-falls.  Yuck!

I've been resisting these low temperatures by dressing like a rainbow threw up on me.  Poles find this shocking, but I'm a foreigner so I can totally get away with a fuchsia top, lemon yellow sweater, and baby blue leggings.  Pink coat completes the look...

But, I find that my love of colors is slipping over into Spring because, as I was walking to class today, I saw this cute little high schooler wearing rainbow hightops and I totally wanted to yank 'em off!!  I want a pair now!!  Maybe I can hit the mall & find a good deal?  I don't know.  At first, with the return of 80s fashion, I was a little creeped out (I spent my hormone-driven adolescence in that decade) but now I'm embracing the new millennium version of it.  I especially like the mixed style of retro-80s + 90s punk.  Thus, I'm thinkin' of pairing the rainbow kicks with tattoo sleeves...  Cue happy fashion daydream...
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