Jun 09, 2009 16:31
heeeeey , still feeling weird with shige looking at me through my livejournal (shige stop giving me that look, its embarresing hehe)
so anyway
im listning to hadashi no cinderella boy, i love this song, i listen to it from time to time
and i hear massu singing "LIGHTO" at first loooooooooooool
i have to admit that i always repeat this part, hearing him singing "lightooooo" with his out of tone voice is KEWL
another song is nantoka naru sa
he sings "nana nananana nana" which is also my nick name which no one calls me with it lol
but i always concider it at my my pet name over the net, but also no one of my net friends calls me that XD
in real life, ppl just call by my name, some of them make a pet name of their imagination and call me with it without even ask if i like it or not, but usually i like the made up pet names.
in electrinic life(that means net life lol)
everyone calls me light or lighto lol, its nice i love it, anyway light means my real name in english>>> bingo , english is not my first language.
soo , i dont know why im talking about my name now.
ohhh i remebered something, my parents once told me that they wanted to name sama>>> it means sky in english, sora in japanese
i really liked that name, but i love light better, the meaning is more deeper than just sky XD
anyway, sama name would have been great too
cuz in japanese "sama" word used to Invaluable the person u call like "yamapi sama"
lol, soo its cool, i think ill call my grl sama if i ever had one
ok this was just random post
i miss doing this, i got drowned into my fics hehehe
ok see ya soon everybody (nobody)
[shige you notty boy , stop it hehehehehehehehehehehe]