(no subject)

Jul 31, 2007 05:03

What a wonderful weekend. What the hell have I been doing not hanging out with these people?

Camping with yg, such a good time. Despite the moist (ugh, shudder), dampness I think a good time was had by all.  Lots of swimming, name game, chilling, campfiring... getting one song stuck in everyone's head, being obnoxious. Sweet. PS I love fishing. I caught my first fish, well, real fish. It was HUGE! Like 2 pounds, or something. Maybe. Idk, it was large, and I held it by its mouth--one of the weirdest feelings ever. The thunderstorms were awesome. Especially while we were in the tent sleeping--the rain sounded wonderful and the thunder was so impressively loud. I think that was the loudest thunder I heard, and the closest lightning I've seen when I was at the pond. Sick. I'm pretty glad to be home though, and to get some WONDERFUL sleep when I get home this morning. I don't even think my sunburn will bother me while I try to sleep, I'm going to completely pass out.

We got our letters back from the retreat where people wrote nice things about us. It was so sweet. We read them in the youth room after we got back and laura and I were stifling our crying. So sweet. I don't expect people to think or feel those things about me, it was such a pleasant surprise. Kindof awk when I wrote a really honest but like, cheesy comment and didn't sign my name, and it was conspicuous enough that it needed to be talked about and deduced..

I don't know if I want to go to Michigan anymore. Like, yeah, it will be a lot of the same like swimming in the lake, fishing maybe, hikingish, but....yeah... I mean I guess it would be nice to chill in that environment since I'll just be chilling with nothing to do, and I did pay for the flight myself. But I do want to have more time here to hang out with people. And I want to be here for the 17th.. Idk, the cons seem to be outweighing the pros. I'd love to be able to go to NY for longer, too. I miss Dan and Bill. Decisions, decisions...

My mom was telling me today about this girl who's my age that I know peripherally through my mom's work friend and how she just spent the last seven weeks in Nairobi/Kenya on an archaeological dig. She just camped out that entire time and heard lions and hyenas outside her tent every night, and nearly faced an elephant charging their jeep..and how one girl on her trip went outside at night to pop a squat by herself and ended up being surrounded by hyenas... and that she found a human bone at the dig... I was like wow, and what am I doing with my summer?

SO TIRED. Only two, three hours left..
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