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Aug 22, 2011 20:57

Well, it hasn't been a whole year yet, so that's a positive note. :) Sorry to my few but loyal blog readers that care, but I will try to write more, maybe even once a week!

I'll start with last week. Tuesday night we met Jenni at the Wilson Co. Fair! http://www.wilsoncountyfair.net/ It was prime people watching of course, but we also enjoyed the many different exhibitions. Josh admitted he thought it was going to be a little lame, but was very impressed by the livestock tents and the pig show. :) I really think it's better than going to the zoo- where else can you see 50+ different kinds of poultry? And the cutest bunnies around? I really wanted one of the floppy eared ones, as per: http://geniusbeauty.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/rabbit34_1024x768.jpg
omg, so cute!! I also enjoyed the great variety of sumer produce, including the biggest prize-winning gourd and the smallest bitty cherry tomatoes. The pig show was entertaining, though we weren't really sure what the judge was looking for when the handlers kept poking the pigs in the butt with sticks just to get them to walk erratically around the ring. Entertaining, none the less. We didn't do any rides, but finished the night with a massive funnal cake (necessity of a state fair!)

Wednesday, we cooked with Dr. Freeman as it was CSA day. We googled eggplant parmesan and I actually had everything on hand so that worked out great. Very cheesy and therefore delicious. Dr. F promised to "not frown" from now on when we get eggplant in our basket. :) We also had a mini fashion show as I tried on dresses for the national emmy awards that josh and I are going to in September! Here's the winning dress:

Friday night we went to the Night Market at the Farmer's market downtown, and had a blast. Basically everyone is there late, and a lot of the food places have specials or samples out. We chose to sit and eat at Arnold Myint's new restaurant, am@fm, and he was having a crostini bar! So interesting. We had summer tomato, one with peaches, ricotta, and rosemary, one with house cured bacon and mustard, one with roasted balsamic onions. They were all great and very balanced. And we were giggling as Arnold checked on us twice, and we pitched a few recipes ideas to him at the end of the meal! Ha! Even though he's kinda a big deal, we really loved that he was in the mix and working really hard. Now if only we could meet his alter ego, Suzy Wong...

Saturday Josh's friend and photographer from work, Sarah, had an engagement party out in Christiana (about 50 minutes away) and it was great. They has cupcakes from Sparkle bakery (we shared a dreamsicle one!!) and other tasty treats. We spent a long time playing volleyball which I haven't done in ages, but was fun. Especially to the beat of the pop dance hits in the background. We were double tasking practicing our booty shake and our returns. We were sooooo hot and decided it was time to get in the pool with the rest of the party. I haven't been in a pool without the intention of swimming laps in a really long time, and it was actually very relaxing1 Sarah and Daniel are getting married in Las Vegas in December, and we are going! I'm so excited since I've never! Josh has been before so he's excited to be the tour guide.

It was a great week, and this week we should squeeze in some fun too. We are going to this on Thursday night! Who will win?

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