New Year's Resolution meme & other fun things

Jan 06, 2012 17:37


In 2012, lferion resolves to...
Put fifty hedgehogs a month into my savings account.
Become a better slash.
Backup my religion regularly.
Be nicer to countgeiger.
Go to sca every Sunday.
Find a better tolkien.

In random other news --

Very nifty site on Medieval Baltic studies & things.

A Harry Potter Otter

Atenveldt Kingdom Twelfth Night tomorrow. German theme. I had meant to use it as an excuse to get one of my Very Old Projects done, but I didn't quite manage that, so I will be wearing Norse rather than German. Still want to get it done, though. I'll aim for Great Helm in February instead. I need to start from the ground up (the corset out at any rate) for the bodice. I am too different a shape than I was before. I choose to look at this as an opportunity.

The weather here has been 10 - 15 degrees above normal for nearly two weeks now -- I've had the windows open during the day, which is very nice, but also Very Strange. On the other hand, the heating bill should be a pleasantly small one.

Happy Twelfth Night all!

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costume, meme, season, 5-things, links, sca

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