Yuletide Delights

Dec 28, 2010 11:34

First of all, the stories written for Meeeee! I got two Dying Gaul stories, very different from each other, and both very fine indeed:

Days That Are No More (2040 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: The Dying Gaul
Rating: Mature
Warning: Major Character Death
Characters: Anyon, Carnon
Summary: The thoughts of a dying Gaul.
--This tale brings the time beautifully to life, and oh, it made me cry, in the best way. Especially the end.

The Dying Gaul (1287 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Highlander, Dying Gaul (Sculpture)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Methos, The Gaul (Dying Gaul), The Sculptor (Dying Gaul)
Summary: Methos meets an old friend.
--Highlander crossover!

In no particular order, here are 8 stories I have read that I must Share:

A Piece of the Continent (13987 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Hainish Cycle - Ursula K. Le Guin
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Genly Ai
Summary: Where Genly Ai went, after Winter. [Major spoilers for the end of The Left Hand of Darkness.]
Bookmarker's Tags: Might as well be canon, world-building, Grief, Language
--This is astonishing, and rightly recced multiple times

Mon Couer Ne Changera, or The Missing Heir (2309 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Hilary Tamar Mysteries - Sarah Caudwell, Lost Prince - Frances Hodgson Burnett
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Michael Cantrip/Julia Larwood/Desmond Ragwort
Characters: Michael Cantrip, Julia Larwood, Desmond Ragwort, Hilary Tamar, Selena Jardine, Jem Ratcliffe
Summary: While researching a missing heir, something else comes to light at 62 New Square.
--The title is not a fluke. There is, indeed Lymond-meta in this tale. Which means the author succeeded in putting *all three* of Lionpyh's requested fandoms in one tale, absolutely wonderfully.

experimental procedure (2103 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Alliance-Union - C. J. Cherryh
Rating: Mature
Warning: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Ariane Emory II, Justin Warrick, Grant ALX-972, Florian AF-9979 II, Catlin AC-7892 II, Ariane Emory I
Summary: Ari hasn't thought of the right way to watch that tape. Yet.
--Another might as well be canon piece. Spot-on Ari-voice, and a very interesting examination of one of the core moral/ethical issues of the culture.

Parent-Teacher Conference (2482 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Coldfire Trilogy - C. S. Friedman
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Damien Vryce, Gerald Tarrant (Coldfire), Jenseny Kierstaad
Summary: Raising teenagers is difficult enough. Raising one who's a step ahead of everyone else as far as evolution is concerned is another matter altogether.
--Amusingly plausible, given the premise.

Daydreams and Flower Wreaths (6066 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Hunt for Red October (1990)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Marko Ramius/Jack Ryan
Characters: Marko Ramius, Jack Ryan
Summary: Wherein Jack learns that Marko Ramius is actually a man of two worlds, although still an enigma in both.
--Old Midsummer traditions, realized in the new world.

if [ $FLAMEWAR ]; then make love; fi (940 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: General Computer (Anthropomorfic)
Rating: Mature
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Linux/Windows
Characters: Linux (Anthropomorfic), Windows (Anthropomorfic), Mac OS (Anthropomorfic)
Summary: Windows hated Linux with a passion.
--Crack and amazingness

Gamol-léac (482 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Old Spice Guy (Commercials), Beowulf
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Old Spice Guy
Summary: After Beowulf's death, the men of Geatland meet a strange and powerful warrior.
--Hysterical crack and amazingness, recced all over the place.

girl named Chuck (12 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Pushing Daisies
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Charlotte Charles
--A perfect little gem

More Recs likely as I read further in the collections. Also forthcoming: a listing of all the fics for Other Arts fandoms (Painting, Sculpture, Songs/Music and the like)

This entry was originally posted at http://lferion.dreamwidth.org/199163.html, where there are currently
comments. Please comment there using OpenID.

for the win, recs, yuletide, written for me, coldfire, indexfile, links

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