Poem - Song of Iron

Oct 06, 2007 11:13

First of all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY gloriana! Why did my birthday reminder not tell me this? Fortunately, elayna88, goddess that she is :-), is more on the ball than I am. I hope this year is utterly fabulous for you, and that I get to see you sometime before next July.

Happy Birthday to ellen_kushner, as well.


The Song of Iron

Sing the forge-song
Fire-song, fierce-song
Sing the ring and roar
Of anvil and iron,
Hammer and heat and steel.

An art age-old
Skill of hand and eye,
Heart and will:
To shape the marrow
Of the earth to use

And Beauty in the song
Of white-hot metal
In quenching cold.
The might and skill
Of hand and will:
Fire and forge and steel.

Sing the song of iron
Fire pinned within
The strike of steel
Shocked still
Fierce-formed by will

JGT, 4 Oct 2007

This piece was drafted almost two years ago, the first time I took the blacksmithing class. It's been lurking in the notebook ever since, and I finally got it to a point where I'm happy enough with it to share. The actual push was when Tom (the instructor) brought in Carl Sandburg's "Smoke and Steel" for me to see -- the title poem is wonderful. Being familiar with Sandburg's "Rootabaga Stories" I for some reason hadn't realized he was a poet.

poetry, bdays, writing

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