Japan, Prompts, IAMX

Mar 30, 2011 20:57

I'm sure you're well aware, but yet another reminder that the help_japan  auctions will be ending tomorrow.
Here are mine: 15 Animated LJ Icons  &  1,000+ word Fiction for Inception

Guys, The Consequences of Trust is almost done. I think. I mean I could wrap it up here in the next one or two chapters. I'm very excited about this.

I'm excited about this because I've started a Sergeant Slaughter crossover WIP and look at all these amazing prompts that must be filled!


In other news Volatile Times just came out and I picspammed my tumblr with Chris Corner so I feel obligated to post at least one picture here.

I want them to tour the US again so that I can see them live again and cream in my pants again while I dance myself to death again.

iamx, prompts, help japan, chris corner

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