flail, Wips, real life

Mar 27, 2011 06:17

Fuck there are too many good prompts right now. I have two others that I really want to fill, but I need to finish the three WIPS I'm working on!

And I'll also have the help_japan fic to do soon as well.

Speaking of which, there are only a few more days left in the auction. Again mine are 15 Animated LJ Icons  &  1,000+ word Fiction for Inception

I've seen a lot of assholery about ships on tumblr lately. I just don't get why people get so attached they have to bash other people's ships. I mean, I ship just about anything. I'm usually a slash fan, but if the het or femslash is good then I'm all for it.

Don't be assholes people. Imaginary characters can get it on with whomever they damn please!

I'm going to have to hunt down more Mal stories because I want to fantasize about Marion thankyouverymuch.
I love crazed/sexy/disturbed Mal too.

In real life news, my last day as a Starbucks Barista was today. It feels fucking wonderful to not be working there anymore! 5 long years of my life toiling away at that job while I was in school.

And I need to get my insomnia under control. It's not ok to sleep only 4 hours a night. It's also not ok to sleep for 15 minutes, get woken up by your bf trying to move you to the bed, but instead be good to go until 6am when you aren't ready to crash, but can't stand to see the sun rise either.

I have a whole four days in a row off this week. I hope to use them to sleep in and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to actually finish a story! (We'll see.)

real life, gif, flail

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