Everything is Avengers and A lot of it hurts!

May 05, 2012 22:41

I finally got to see Avengers today, and I have so many feelings I'm super excited about the fandom now. I've been skirting around it while I try to finish out all of my Inception desires. But I think I might actually do art for the A-RBB. I think I can ship anyone/anyone in this movie. It's like one giant 2 1/2 hour fandom orgasm.

Bruce’s face all the time. How Mark was constantly ill-at-ease and yet had a sense of humor, self-deprecating as that may be. He played Bruce Banner perfectly with his understated tension and anger. I loved how Tony respected the hell out of him as a scientist and could relate to him. How they had advice for each other, two semi-broken men with bodies just waiting to betray them. But Tony trusts Banner, and treats him like he does everyone else.

I loved Natasha’s reactions to. Because as awesome as she is, as amazingly skilled, she was nothing against him and knew it. Even demi-gods are afraid of him and she had to face him down. She was fucking terrified, and vulnerable, and it was lovely! But then she recovered and was beautifully brilliant at taking controlled-Clint out. But can we just talk about how amazing she was with Loki? How she played him so hard. (Can we also talk about how in the hell did he get away with a line like mewling quim? How did that not get pulled?) I’m sure there was so much truth to what he said, what her reactions were, but she’s such a goddamn pro, on lockdown emotionally when necessary. She’s got a lot of strength to her, which keeps her so tucked away, and I’d love some character dissection fics of her and her internal dialogue and how she reacts to relationships. I mean it was obvious that Coulson knew what Clint meant to her, and Clint knew/knows, and yet she’s still reserved about it. It’s beautiful that they made an emotional character out of her, and yet kept her in control of herself.

Steve getting references! OMG, he got the flying monkeys joke. I love how he’s adapting, able to use touch-screen apps, but still confused about the technology when Tony is repairing the ship. I love that he paid his bet right out with the ship. Such and honest man.

I love how Thor has grown, how he’s seen the errors of his war-seeking ways when he experience how that hurt people he cared about, or a world that wasn’t his. I love that he still leaves room in his heart for Loki, how he asks him back. He wants them to be brothers again! I hope hope for Loki redemption under Thor. I would hope that he could accept it one day, finally know that his family still loves him.

All my Coulson feels. How he’s always sarcastic and a dry comic relief. And Joss just has to kill off the comic relief characters because he’s a grade A life-ruiner. It’s like Wash all over again! My heart just can’t take it! I really really hope that Fury’s secrets and the bit with the cards in the Locker are a play at Coulson not being dead. I mean both him and Coulson commented that the team needed a catalyst to bring them together, something personal. With comic-verse characters like that can miraculously be alive and I really need that to happen in this case. I just don’t think I can handle it if he’s really dead, because he’s my fucking favorite. I just love him.

I loved each and every single one of Tony’s one-liners. “Clench up, Legolas,” to Clint just about killed me. And him calling Thor “Point Break.” Dying.

The end credits were absolutely brilliant! They looked like the just stepped out of Comic-Con and the end of the day. And Tony forcing everyone to go get Shwarma with him even though they probably all want to go decompress on their own and lick their wounds. But they’re hungry and he’s insistent because he has equals that are friends and teammates now!

I think I laughed harder at this movie than any of the other Marvel movies, but my heart hurts so much worse. I’m bursting with emotions that I have no system for dealing with right now.

You can read this entry at dreamwidth where it has

spoilers, avengers, feelings, gross sobbing, flail

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