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Oct 22, 2011 16:38

what keeps you going?
LIFE THROWS SO MUCH OUR WAY. From thesis papers to good and bad surprises, no one existential equation is the same as the next. Whether you're a planner or a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants gal (or guy), you can't make accomodations for life and its many plot twists until it's plopped itself in your lap like a ginormous Persian cat.

...And some days, on days when coffee is extinct but your agenda's close to a boil-over, kitty chooses to shed all over your brand-new black suit.

I've been having quite a few of those days lately but in the end, that's the inevitable downside of life, an oopsie!-charred bit of your morning toast you just have to come to accept by hiding it in a thick coating of butter and a kiss of honey. It's not how many little tragedies you can pinpoint in your day, after all, but how you come to defeat them; how you finish your day is the resolution of an epic, no matter how insignificant or life-altering your day turned out to be.

When it comes to surmounting the incredible desire to go Grinch, I prefer coffee, heart-rending music, over-the-phone rant therapy with friends (pro: it's free!), or Pretty Woman in my pj's.

So how do you stomach the grizzle of life, FList?

P.S.: Word to the wise, I don't recommend taking frustrations out on inanimate objects... especially your coffee maker. It usually ends with coffee-grind shrapnel all over your kitchen and tears.

lys is overtired, life, flist, fail, discussion

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