Art: Supernatural: Then With the Rising Sun, rated G

Apr 08, 2011 21:10

For the dc_everafter challenge, my prompt was Pirates of the Caribbean. Yes I've used the same prompt again!

First, a big thank you to ileliberte and ebonystar for their very helpful beta comments.

Since dc_everafter is a fairytale and Disneyland themed challenge, I decided to do a more fairytale take on a PotC Fusion. I was aiming for lots of light and colour and maybe a slight illustration feel.

It's that scene at the end of these sorts of stories, where Cas says "Farewell, Dean Winchester. It is time for you to return home" and Dean says "Wait!"

princess_aleera is also doing a story for this same prompt. We didn't collaborate on this (our schedules really didn't mesh) but we chatted and I was intrigued by her ideas and wanted to see if they worked visually. This is concept art for princess_aleera, whose idea it was to cast 2014!Cas as Jack Sparrow and a young Dean as Will Turner.

The painting is based on several scenes from Curse of the Black Pearl but isn't necessarily in Princess_Aleera's story, which I haven't had the chance to read yet. Edit: Story is here! In my head, Dean is being manipulative and the scene goes something this: Cas: Azazel will be too busy looking for the gold amulet to chase us. Dean: Oh, You mean THIS amulet?

Here are some closeups from the second painting, mostly so you can see the tiny little Enochian symbols Cas has on his hair nicknacks. I used a screencap from 5.04 as reference for Cas (because it was a fun expression), various promotional photos of young Jensen for Dean, and several promotional photos and screencaps from Curse of the Black Pearl for all the PotC references.

Digitally painted with Corel PainterX on an Intuous 3 tablet. For those of you who weren’t around my journal in 2007, here is my first Supernatural -PotC fusion. I really do enjoy revisiting ideas, and putting a different spin on them.

Crossposted here (

dean, art, castiel, au, supernatural

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