For the Halfamoon awesome women challenge. Fang, Vanille and Lightning from Final Fantasy 13. G and PG rated - work safe. The characters and their various relationships were my favourite aspect of FF13, and these 3 women were indeed awesome.
I have been planning to do a Final Fantasy painting for Halfamoon, this year (same as last year), and FF13 had brilliant female characters. Then I saw the prompts I was thinking of on the Porn Battle list, (they were fairly obvious prompts!) and ended up doing these for both.
Vanille and Fang take a moment to mourn Oerba in the rooftop garden over the old schoolhouse. (Prompts: home, gentle, history, touch, flower)
Fang and Lightning spar and practice their commando skills. Lightning is taking the sparring seriously. Fang is --- not. *g* (Prompts: fight, smirk, commando, sweat, bruise)
Fang is stubborn, the opposite of genteel, and has a wild fearlessness about her (and is my favourite). She has an Aussie accent in the English translation, and I can very easily see her down at the local pub flirting up a storm, then starting a fight just for fun. She and Vanille are childhood friends and partners. Whether their relationship is that of sisters, or lovers, it is certain they would do anything for each other.
Vanille is compassionate and caring, and I initially found her girlishly sunny and optimistic persona overdone and grating, until we learn that she uses it as a mask to hide her fear and uncertainty. (Vanille also develops a wonderful friendship with Sahz, and shares some of my favourite scenes in the game with him).
Lightning is cool, serious, emotionally distant and relentless, but she cares intensely for her sister, and slowly warms up to the rest of her team . She and Fang have a mildly antagonistic rivalry, and are frankly awesome together in battle. All the characters have flaws and grow in character through the game and develop interesting different relationships with others of the team.
here (