Spring Break, Schrping Break

Mar 07, 2008 22:07

Well, it hasn't been too relaxing of a Spring Break this year. Despite the amount of work I have gotten done, I still haven't been able to hammer through a majority of what I anticipated getting done regarding my exiting portfolio. I've got some ideas for materials and what I want the lesson plans to look like. I just need to finalize everything and call it good by next Friday so that I can start on the rationale parts. The book review is 25% done.

Other things that I've accomplished this week:
- Sent off three job applications (1 negative response, 1 positive response, 1 no response)
- Read one of three articles for LLT 992B
- 50% finished with data analysis
- Caught up on emails
- Graded students' midterms and summaries
- bought my plan ticket for Ireland and Austria

Well, now that I look at things, I didn't really accomplish much, but I've been busy every single day. At least I was able to visit p.e. and t.d. for a little bit and exercise at the community center almost daily. Tomorrow's goal -- finish reading 992B articles; finish 992B data analysis; plan for Monday's class.

Upcoming deadlines:
Monday, March 10 -- interview with English Language Fellow Program; submit LCC International University paperwork
Thursday, March 13 -- data analysis due
Sometime within the next two weeks -- submit round three of conference proceeding writing
April 01 -- turn in portfolio
April 02 -- turn in interview write-up
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