uni assignment -yep how creative a title eh!

Apr 20, 2009 15:13

Author, pomkeygeekange
story which still needs a name
Warnings: It is set in retail! a possibly insulting nickname blink and you miss it two male characters as a couple, not so blink and you miss it two females as a would be couple but nothing explicit.

word count 4050 (50 words too long for the damn assignment so 50 need to go.)
Disclaimer, this is not fanfiction but is for an open university course.

So if you could be kind enough to tell me what is absolutly crap and should never have seen the light of day about it, what works really well in it and you know go all school teacher on me and point out where I have used a wrong word, got the puctuation mixed up in or where things are unclear I would be very appreciative. As would my tutor I suspect.

Looking around my surroundings now brings back fond memories. Memories of a time where I was on the other side of the counter, feeling as bored as the person serving me now looks. His movements robotic, working on autopilot as he processes my point’s card. His scowl at the till that mirrored my own scowl as the system crashed. If he were to look up he would see the patrons impatiently standing in a line as long as the shop. From the back office a familiar argument rages between supervisor and manager. I take pity on the boy and decide to take action. ‘Oi Tits get your arse out hear and get on a till, ‘ I shout out. My breath comes out in little white wisps betraying how cold it is in the shop. I could have used her name, Marla, but really, why bother now I am just a customer? As she always said the customer is always right. She appears muttering under her breath, Jen laughing behind her. The boy has got my card processed, he thinks. Marla, clutching hold of her crucifix necklace , glares at me as Jen exits from behind the counter. ‘You ready? I ask Jen. ‘Lets get out of here’ is her response. ‘Oh hold on, I need some fags.’ The boy speaks up. ‘You got a voucher!’ he informs me. ‘She's not getting it, for her cheek,’ Marla says. He starts typing the number into the till anyway, ignoring her. ‘Why Tits?’ he asks me quietly. ‘When I worked here she had a nasty habit of wearing a uniform that you know, left little to the imagination,’ I inform him. He shudders as he hands me the voucher, sneaks a sideways glance at Marla and pulls a face. ‘Yeah I know,’ I say in response. ‘Just what I wanted to know on my first day,’ he groans. Ah first days. Hope his is going better than mine did. My memories of my first day are a little something like this. Cold. Wet. Tired. That was all I felt at that moment in time. I was sat huddled in the shop door way trying to stay dry. I was failing miserably, the rain drifting through . I was waiting for a woman called Jen to arrive. I was told to turn up here for my first day at work. I wished she would hurry up as the rain grew heavier. It matched my mood perfectly. I had been broken out of my thoughts by a car approaching. It parked up in front of me, the passenger door of the red Ford Escort opened. ‘You Jo?’ a brunette haired woman asked. She was stunning, just my physical type. Slim, boyish figure, approx five foot seven as far as I could tell and even better she was wearing glasses. She pulled off the geek chic look of perfectly. ‘Yep. You Jen?’ I asked in reply. I yawned. Five fifteen in the morning was not a time I wanted to be awake. Let alone waiting in a shop doorway by myself. ‘Yes, are you staying there all day or you getting in the car?’ Jen apparently was not a morning person. I got in the car. At least it was warm and dry. Half an hour later we pulled up outside a petrol station. ‘You ready for this?’ Jen asked me as she finished the last of her service station coffee. She was a lot less abrupt once she had achieved her caffeine fix. I looked at her, shook my head and sighed. ‘You know it’s not that bad a place to work once .....’ She trailed off. There was no possible way she could have finished that sentence. I was not certain who she was trying to convince, me or herself. ‘I know, it’s not the fact its a petrol station. I like working in petrol stations’ I told her. I took the last gulp of my Pepsi, dropped the can and crushed it under my shoe. I aimed carefully through the open window, threw it and smirked as it fell into the bin with a loud clatter. The coffee cup went in the bin in a similar fashion. ‘Yeah. Well best not put off the inevitable, come on lets get retraining over with.’ she said, putting on a bright but ultimately fake smile. ‘Oh the enthusiasm,’ I groaned as I followed my new supervisor into the small petrol station. The thing is I hated the situation. I felt like I had been shafted, dumped in a failing petrol station with more issues than the problem pages of every issue of Cosmopolitan combined. Jen was equally unhappy, herself getting transferred over due to the store supervisor reshuffle. I could understand why I had been transferred, after all me and my former work mates did not get on. They were a clique and I did not fit in. This particular petrol station though was home to the problem staff that store management did not want to deal with. Jen, well she had informed me on the drive over that she had been transferred after she had come back from sick leave. I did not ask, that was her own business after all. The main issue was well stood in front of us the second I walked through the door. The place was a shambles. It looked like a bomb had dropped, cardboard boxes strew all over the floor, dirty counters and floors, stock seemingly put in any place they seen fit. Then came the staff, even just walking through the door one thing was quickly apparent. There were some really serious issues between them. We had walked into the middle of what was a physical altercation. Staff holding each other back, looks of pure hate between what was apparently two fractions in the department and a frosty silence at our appearance. All in all school all over again. I did not have to look at Jen to know her expression was similar to mine. One of total shock and disgust. Then I spotted her. Marla Stewart. One of the staff that was being held back. It looked like someone else was about to punch her, not that I would blame them. Great, just great. Not only had I been transferred to a site in the middle of God Knows where I was forced to work under her. My new manager. Actually she was also my old manager, she had been transferred away in a fit of controversy. There had been rumours surrounding that but I was never one to pay any attention to them. I knew the real reason. ‘Think we could make a run for it?’ Jen whispered. Yet again she had broken me out of my thoughts. ‘Tempting but I think we have been spotted’ was my response. I think that was the moment my crush on Jen had begun. It was also the moment that my unadulterated hate For Marla had reappeared. ********************************************************************************* That hate had now lessened into general dislike. The feeling was entirely mutual still. ‘What did you have to go tell him that for?’ Marla asked me once she had finished serving the last customer. ‘Err because its true. I mean the breast thing, better now but at the time it was not pleasing on the eye. Or the mind. Or in general. Lets face it, there not exactly small right, and your shirt was. Way too small. ‘ I answered. ‘I like you. Your a doll’ The boy said to me. ‘What do you mean, you like her?’ Marla asked agitated. ‘Well she is honest’ Jen supplied. ‘Yeah that's why.’ the boy answered. He looked relieved. That could have been because Jen had answered for him, or it could have been because his relief had arrived to take him off his till. ‘Oh by the way Jo, you don't mind giving Christopher here a lift do you?’ Jen asked as he walked away from the till. ‘Course not. Where you going kid?’ I asked, fastening up my bag. ‘ My Other job.’ he called out disappearing into the staff area. I now felt really sorry for Christopher. I had been there and done that. Working two jobs at the best of times is exhausting but ultimately bills have to be paid. It is even worse when one of them jobs is in a retail environment. Now sure retail is just another job, but when you work for a company like a supermarket it is even worse. Other environments you can do your hours, have regular hours and you generally know where you are at when. In retail, especially when you have a boss like Marla, it is not. All they do is take and do not give or compromise. Me and Marla had many a discussion about that. ‘I need you to do Friday night this week.’ Marla had announced. ‘No’ was my reply. I always knew where this conversation would head, how it would proceed and how it would work. We had this conversation every week, like some workplace version of Groundhog Day. And frankly there is only so much of the same conversation repeated over and over again a person, I could take without snapping. ‘Yes, I need you in, this place is where you work.’ ‘It is one of the places I work. One. Not the only place. And as it is I am working Friday nights. ‘Elsewhere. At the other job’ I like to imagine that at this point Marla did a nice impression of a fish. She did not, she instead opened the filing cabinet and pulled out a form. She quickly scribbled a few notes and handed it over. I had looked it over and raised an eyebrow. ‘A formal record of conversation. For refusing overtime? I was under the impression that anything past contracted hours was optional.’ I had muttered before shoving it in my pocket. ‘The answer is still no. If I could I may have considered it, but as I am contracted elsewhere on a Friday night I can not.’ ‘But nobody else can do it.’ ‘ I know, that a shame that people are not willing to work Fridays but someone must have been contracted for it’ would be my less than patient response. It had not been patient the first time, it was through gritted teeth by this point. After many a conversation with her I would go bang my head off the wall. If it was just a simple little niggles like that I probably would have took it. However it was not. See I think, part of the problem was a shared past. We had worked together before. The hate I felt towards her I felt was completely justified. If she thought I was going to come over and cover for her mistakes like I did in the past as a naive youngster she must have been disappointed. I had been burnt by her before and I did not trust her. I especially did not appreciate being left to work alone whilst she went home to walk the dog, or disappear for lunch with whomever she was dating that week. I wish I could say it was a managerial lapse. Everyone, after all is only human. It was far from an isolated event either. Personnel tried to intervene however once the wheels where in motion there was no stopping. Marla was a force to herself. She even went as far as to turn up at the bar I worked to check if I was working. In the end she issued me an ultimatum, show more loyalty to this job or leave. I put my notice in the very next day. It was the happiest I had ever felt to be able to do that. Dropping Christopher off at work proved to be no inconvenience. It turned out we me and Jen were having a meal in the same place as he worked. It was our weekly event now that I had left and she had put in her notice. It was a good opportunity to catch up on the gossip I was missing from working at the station. ‘So it turns out that feller Marla was seeing, totally gay.’ Jen said as a conversation starter. ‘Your kidding. I would have thought she could have figured it out. ‘ Was my response. ‘Though she’s enough to turn anyone. Again’ ‘Even you?’ Jen asked. She was onto her second glass of wine, the effects slowly starting to become apparent. ‘Given the choice between Marla and a feller then oh yes, even me. Seriously.’ I replied sipping my Pepsi. I had swore of alcohol after certain events. At least whilst out with co-workers, former or otherwise. ‘Well she was last in line when looks where handed out’ jen considered. ‘It is not just that and you know it.’ ‘I am not sure I do actually.’ jen responded. ‘Do I have to get you drunk to reveal all?’ ‘Whilst the record shows that has worked so well in the past, and you know what I am referring to missy , no you don't’ ‘Do I really know?’ she asked. This time she was being serious, a rare event for Jen. ‘Do I have to really remind you?’ I asked. I could feel my face get hot, I know I was blushing but it was too late. I had asked and now I would have to tell. The inevitable had happened. No not me punching Marla in the mouth, which the staff did have a betting pool on, but Jen finding out about, what was on reflection my not so secret crush on her. I had thought I was being careful in hiding said lust but then again I was drunk. Very Drunk. I made a new rule to myself at that moment, never again would I get incredibly drunk with the people I work with. Although this was Jen. I guess she had realised fairly soon after meeting me one thing. I was very careful with my words when sober but was very loose lipped when I had been drinking. ‘There is something bothering you!’ She had announced. We were in the line for the loo, she had dragged me in there, the way that women do. ‘Huh. Nope, nope there is not.’ I protested weakly. I guess I had said it rather too quickly which just confirmed her correct suspicions. She give me a look. A look that said that you’re not going anywhere till you start talking. ‘Okay but its nothing really, don't want to bother anyone with it.’ ‘I am here to be bothered. That is what supervisors are for. And friends.’ she had said. ‘Friends, yeah. You are really not needing to hear this.’ I replied. She later told me that I had seemed conflicted at this point. I know I had gotten suddenly tearful. Partly fear at how she would react; partly fear at how others would react. ‘Say it, it will make you feel better I promise.’ Jen was speaking again. ‘I can't. ’ ‘Yes you can. ‘ ‘I really can not’ ‘Jo yes you can, just take a deep breath and blurt it out.’ ‘Why am I getting a sense you have had a conversation similar to this before?’ ‘Because I think I may have had a conversation like this before. And if I had you know, it would be flattering but’ she had sighed at this point. ‘Urgh, yeah.’ I had supplied awkwardly. Trying to fill in the awkward silence. I think we both knew how this conversation would proceed, and not the way I had wanted it to. ‘Come on, out with it’ she whispered. She wrapped an arm around me, she had to. My legs had given way. ‘Oh God don't make me say it. Please. Not now.’ I was panicking, wanted a way out. I had no chance of that though, the way jen had literally backed me into a disabled toilet. I had not noticed. She locked the door behind her. I felt terrified but also oddly safe. ‘Nothing? Yeah you got me okay.’ But before any further conversation could transpire the panic and alcohol had an unpleasant effect. Jen ended up having to look after me the rest of the night. I made another rule the next morning. Never drink if you have to be at work the next day. Never drink so much that you can not remember how you got to a bed. And never drink so much if the bed you end up in is the one in your supervisor’s spare room. Off course to have gained that knowledge it did involve opening my eyes. One of her kittens had woken me up pawing at my face. Not a bad way to be awoken, certainly a cute way, but the pain that hit as soon as I opened my eyes was not so present. Jen had retrieved the kitten from my head with a soft chuckle. I remember it had let out a soft meow as she tickled its tummy slightly before she had placed it on the floor. It amused itself with a slipper as the memory of the previous night hit me. ‘How you feeling?’ she had asked. I was grateful she was speaking in a soft voice but it still made my head hurt. ‘Oh bad question huh’ she said as she got a close look at me. ‘Um, how, where, um what?’ I asked. I was pleased I had summed up that amount of brain function to come up with them few words. ‘There was no way you would have made it home so I brought you back to mine. Your brother has dropped in some clean clothes, your sister said fine as long as she knew you where safe and as for what happened, I am sure you will remember in time.’ ‘Right.’ I groaned. I attempted to sit up. ‘Oh and we have to be leaving for work in an hour.’ That would be the last place I had wanted to be heading. I did eventually remember what had occurred but to give Jen credit she did not mention it. She was right, nothing did change, if anything once the secret was out things became less awkward. Now that made a refreshing change. I had finished recounting that memory to Jen and she laughed. ‘Yes I think we had both had a lot that night.’ She said. ‘Yes, definitely. Though I am glad that you did do that.’ I responded. ‘Really? Maybe I will have to try it more often.’ She looked thoughtful at that as Christopher brought our meals over. ‘I somehow do not think you will have any issue with that either.’ I said. Christopher was giving me an odd look. ‘Come on out with it Chris’ I said. ‘Or have I grew an extra head?’ He looked embarrassed. ‘Oh nothing, it just that Marla mentioned that she did not like Gays because all they do is cause trouble. I think she must have meant you.’ He said. Well that is what my brain translated. ‘Partly.’ I dunked my chip into the mayonnaise. ‘She got the being gay part wrong, but well Marla has issues with me. Still way to tar everyone with the same brush.’ ‘What’s that meant to mean?’ Christopher asked, taking a seat. He looked genuinely interested. ‘Well as your clearly gay yourself, and no point denying it , you may as well be warned. ‘ I sighed. ‘Might save you some misery.’ ‘Boss I am taking a break!’ Christopher shouted towards the bar. The bar manager acknowledged this with a nod. ‘Funny you should mention breaks as that is how the problem kind of started.’ It was technically a split shift I was working that day. A couple of hours helping out on the tills in the morning, then covering the dinner time rush at the store customer cafe and then off to the station. I was to get my dinner break at the station and then do my shift. It was to be a long day but I figured with Christmas coming up then the extra money would come in handy. So I brought my lunch and was sat in the break room with a magazine. Just a random old magazine I had picked up from the pile waiting to be returned. Unfortunately Marla took an interest in the magazine and had spotted an opportunity. ‘What you reading? ‘ She had asked. I lifted it up of the table to show her the cover. ‘Interested in that sort of thing are you?’ She had asked. Something about the way she said it had alarm bells ringing in my head. ‘Its alright yeah. Just something to read. ‘ I wondered why she was so interested so glanced a look at the cover myself. ‘So you like looking at the pictures then. Of naked women.’ The conversation had taken a rather nasty turn. ‘The human body is a beautiful thing. Nothing wrong with that. I read attitude to for a similar reason, its all just something to pass time away at the end of the day.’ I said. I had just about avoided rolling my eyes. ‘That’s where you’re wrong. Homosexuality is a sin against God itself.’ She started. I cut her off quickly; I had heard this speech before, many times before. From my Gran, from my local priest, from my parents. I had run away from home at the first opportunity because of this very speech. Oh and off course from Marla herself. ‘And religion has no place in a petrol station.’ Was my retort. ‘I won’t stand for that attitude, your an abomination, your wrong and sick.’ She stated. Actually she shouted. I could have raised myself up to her level and yes I was capable of it. Instead I knew she had a secret that she rather not have people finding out. ‘Funny how she this new found religious twaddle started after your husband left you for another man. Why was that again? Oh yes would not because he found out about your affair with the produce manager would it? I had wondered why you disappeared in such mysterious circumstances.’ I murmured. Unlike her I knew how to keep a private conversation from spreading across the entire staff. ‘And how would you know?’ she stammered. ‘I was not the only bisexual in the town. They came to the meetings, word gets around. Look feel whatever you got to feel towards him but if you can not separate one person from another then your in the wrong position. And for the record you feel like I am evil and wrong, fine but just remember that the produce manager was called Rebecca. I may be many things but a hypocrite is not one of them. ‘ I replied. I guess I must have hit a nerve. She spent the rest of the afternoon hiding in the local pub. I had to call Jen to come help. As usual store management told us to solve it between ourselves. Another day, another long line in the petrol station. Yet again Christopher is serving by himself, Jen and Marla having another argument in the office. I wonder what it is about this time. The fact Marla has added up the hours on the rota incorrectly, who’s responsibility it is to train Chris or Jen becoming too friendly with none management again. It could be any or all of the above. Either way Chris is looking worried. ‘Oh for Gods sakes’ He shouts. I suspect the till has crashed again. He Looks up, notices me and smiles. ‘Dare I?’ He asks. I nod. ‘Oi get your butt out here and give us a hand.’ He calls out. Marla appears muttering something about not having reliable staff. Christopher signs himself of his till as his relief turns up as Jen goes to get her cigarettes. ‘Right ladies, there is this great new club we have to go check out. The barman is gorgeous’ Chris announces as we exit. Nice to know that something’s never change.


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