- There are daffodils on our kitchen table and Easter grass growing on the living room table...which is nice. Easter is the only Christian holiday that I actually look forward to. Perhaps because I looove teh drama of the Easter gospel (betrayal! sacrifice! unrequited love!), but also because when I was a kid Easter often coincided with my birthday. It has also always felt more like a celebration of the coming of spring than the first of May which in Finland is just a let's-all-get-drunk kind of fête. Since I won't be able to visit my parents during the weekend due to blah-work-blah-thesis-blah, it's nice that it feels a bit more like spring here, too. I also have miniature chocolate eggs, non-alcoholic mead and some Paschal curd tart in the cupboard. I'm sure that's what Jesus would have wanted. (The best thing about not adhering to any one religion is getting to choose your holidays and the amount to which you are willing to follow any related traditions. Lent, what lent?)
- I forgot to go to a very important evening lecture yesterday because I was reading Winnie-the-Pooh. Seriously.
- Wow. All those cortisone shots are really kicking in. I can't believe only last week I was whining about not getting any sleep. Now, it's a chore just to get myself out of bed in the morning. I've lost count on how many cups of coffee and tea I've already drunk today.
- Listening to The Beatles with Chi and browsing icon journals together is fun. Especially with some Fazer chocolate nearby. But why do we always seem to be out of alcohol? No, don't answer that.
I think there should be a photo shoot of rockstars doing crafts. Iggy Pop crocheting. Tori Amos choosing yarn for her winter mittens. David Bowie designing rag rugs in the surrealist cut-up method. The possibilities are endless!