In the post below this one,
dogwoodblossom wonders how Lex and Clark would match up when it comes to crimes. I pointed out that the playing field isn't level, because first of all, Lex is just assumed to be an evil criminal and always was, and then SV often doesn't show Lex actually committing the crimes he's accused of by the other characters. There is no innocent until proven guilty for Lex Luthor. Clark's innocence is simply assumed, even when we see him committing a crime.
However, I have an idea, and it may be fun and may keep our spirits up over the next few weeks while SV destroys the character of Lex entirely. What about holding trials, one for Clark, and one for Lex, in which we accuse each of a crime and weigh the evidence? We could hold one trial over the next few days for each guy, and then if people liked the experience, hold another next week, or something. This doesn't have to be deadly serious, or anything.
Now, I don't think that Clark has ever committed outright, cold-blooded murder, but people forget that the charges of second degree murder and manslaughter actually exist. If you are in a fight with someone, and that other person dies during the fight, that's a crime for which you can be punished and go to prison, even if you didn't actually plan to murder that person. Just because Clark didn't plan to kill some of the people who died while fighting him, doesn't mean he's totally innocent.
Okay, so here's my suggestion: I'm going to charge Lex with murder in the case of the death of Lionel Luthor. I'm doing this to be totally fair, and to show that I'm not so much of a Lex fan that I'll ignore anything he does. (Hint, hint)
So, does anyone want to charge Clark with a similar crime? You could even charge him with murder, if you think there is evidence to warrant it, though his lawyer may argue the charges down. :-)))
ETA: I just had the thought that the first crime we accuse Clark of should be roughly equivalent to the crime Lex is accused of. Something equally serious and deadly. For example, breaking and entering is too mild compared to murder, whereas burning down the Twin Towers is too massive a crime to compare with killing one person. The Twin Towers thing could be left for later, if we like.
Also, anyone want to defend Lex against the charge of murder?